Sunday, May 1, 2016

Little Black Door

Remember how I said I only have
 two projects to do in the bathroom?
Staining the door is one of them.
I saw some examples of some stained doors on the Internet
and I kind of fell in love with the look:
See here and here.
 I purchased the gel stain about a month ago
and waited for the weather to improve so I
 didn't have to battle humidity in the air.
There's only one problem with waiting
until you have a nice beautiful and sunny day
after a wet and cold winter -
you want to do other stuff like sit on your
porch and drink iced coffee and relax!
So I did, and it was awesome!
After I got enough sunshine on my face,
I got to work.
I purchased General Finishes Java Gel Stain for $19.99.
I started with 1 quart because I wasn't positive
how far the stain would go, and I didn't
want to be stuck with a ton of extra if
 I ended up hating it.
I started off without reading the directions,
you know, cause that's how I roll.
Common sense rules, right?
I first wiped the door down so it was nice and clean.
I then used a normal paint brush and covered
the white door with one coat.

The results scared me.
It seriously looked super streaky and purple.
That's when I decided to read the directions.
Oops, apparently common sense does not rule.
First, I was supposed to lightly sand the surface,
second, I was supposed to use a sponge brush.

That explained the streaks.
Another little tidbit of information
that I wasn't aware of was that you
had to wait 6-8 hours between coats.
Anyone who knows me knows
 this is my worst nightmare.
I have project/cooking ADD.
If something takes more than
5 minutes to complete...
I don't want to do it.
Can I tell you the first coat took 45 minutes!
But the next time I stained,
I used the proper equipment
(sponge brush).
This helped tremendously, and when applied
looked way less streaky.
It took me between 2-3 weeks
 to finish one door.

It's looking much better,
and I'm actually kind of loving it.
The picture above was taken after the
second coat was applied, and it was
in the process of drying.
I don't have a final picture of the door
 hung in the bathroom yet,
but I can show you this crappy picture
of it standing upright in the garage.
And there you go.
Brenda bathroom project #1-
Of course, I will show you a
finished picture of the bathroom
when it is complete.
You might be waiting a while.
I would venture to guess that
we will have it decorated and
complete in 2 more months.
I'm just as excited to see how it's
going to turn out as you,
you know, because I'm decorating it.
Who knows how that's going to go.
Guess we'll have to wait and see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was quite a project!! The door color is beautiful!! You look amazing in the picture--it helps that you are beautiful of course!! I will be anxious to see the new, improved bathroom. AA