Sunday, May 8, 2016

Lexxa's Spring Break Project

Around Spring Break I mentioned that Lexx
and I were busy working on a project for her,
but I couldn't let you know what it was
until it was actually done.
It's done, and I can now reveal what
it was that we were doing.

My beautiful and smart daughter is graduating
from college, so we were taking some
photographs near the river so that we
could use them on her invitations.

It was probably one of the warmest days
in the month when we actually took the
photos, and Lexx and I were dying hiking
up and down hills and walking all over the place.
She was a trooper, and the pictures turned
out well, especially considering I took them
and didn't have any professional equipment
and I didn't use any software to touch up
the pictures.  What you see is 100% Lexx.

We probably took over 100 pictures,
but here are just a few of our favorites.


The hard part was narrowing down the
exact pictures we wanted to use.
In the end, the style of invitation we used helped us decide.
I ended up using the pictures that
fit best with the card format.
Tinyprints is my go to site that I use for most of
my card/invitation needs,
and true to form they did not disappoint. 

Front of invitation

I chose a trifold style so that
I could use four of the pictures. 
The invitations had a gold color decoration
and I had the pearlescent finish added.
If you are wondering what the big white
blob on the invites are, I smudged out personal
information, you know.....
for privacy reasons.

Back of invitation

Close up

I chose a gold envelope to go with the
cards, with a wrap around address label
that matched the invitations.
I didn't show you a picture of the labels
because again, privacy.

In this picture the envelopes photograph
a brown color, but in person they are gold.

I was very pleased with the way the
invitations turned out, but more importantly
I'm very happy and proud of my
wonderful daughter!

1 comment:

Alexxa McComb said...

Daw, thank you Momma! I love the way the announcements turned out too. You're an awesome photographer :)