Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Spring Break Happs

The kids had the week before Easter off for Spring Break,
so Todd and I couldn't do much/go anywhere with them this year
because stinking work got in the way!
Stinking adulting!
We did manage to get some good quality family time in.
We ate dinners together, and visited a couple of family members,
but other than that it was really low key.
I took a few pictures of some of the highlights.

We added some new "kids" to the family.
Austin and Alexxa helped take care of them
(code for spoil them).

Lexx had to have some pictures taken for a project
that she needs to take care of, so we took an
afternoon and snapped away.
I'll show you some of the photo results in a later post,
after Lexx has time to get her project in motion.

After the photo session,  Lexx and I visited
her aunt and uncle who are building their house.
Todd and Aust were already there helping them
with little projects here and there,
so the girl and I were basically there to supervise for a minute.
We had Easter dinner at our house..
I decided to go a little less traditional this year
and had ham, twice baked potatoes, green beans,
broccoli salad and deviled eggs.
It was super delish,
and we all ate more than we should have.

The Sunday that the kids left,
we went out to breakfast at our favorite restaurant
with the kids and Uncle Lynn.

I know the kids were in dire need of down time after midterms,
and Todd and I have been extremely busy with our jobs as well.
It was so nice to just be able to relax, catch up, and enjoy family.
Did you do anything special for Spring Break?
Or, are you like us and just vegged out for the week?


Anonymous said...

Just curious (as usual) about Alexxa's project, just what"twice baked potatoes" are and how you were able to make Lynn look so young in the picture--:-) Looking forward to a nice family get-together!! AA

Brenda said...

Hi Anne, I can't tell you about Lexxa's project, but I can tell you that you will see what I'm talking about very soon. Twice baked potatoes are baked potatoes that you cut basically in half, scoop out the insides and mix the potato with other ingredients, then put back into the potato shell and reheat. Lynn looks young because I'm an expert photographer...hehehe.