Monday, April 11, 2016

Wining and Dining

Not gonna lie,
Todd and I had a fabulous little pre Easter day trip.
We decided to visit one of our favorite little towns, Sutter's Creek.
We had to start our day off with some sustenance,
so we decided to have breakfast at
The Purple Place.
We had never had the opportunity to eat there,
and thought we would jump on the chance since
a) it was on our way to Sutter Creek.
b) the color of the building intrigued us.

We had a lovely late breakfast,
and loaded up on carbs because we
knew that we would be wine tasting and
wanted something to absorb all that alcohol in our tummies.
We ended up arriving in Sutter's Creek around noon,
and we immediately went to our favorite little shop,

Todd and I love to window shop their showroom
and pretend like we can afford to buy everything
we like in this awesome little store.

They have awesome displays that just make
you want to spend your life savings on nothing but furniture.
After Todd made me wipe the drool from my face
and leave Water Street Antiques,
we headed through town to see
what type of wine we could find.
We ended up starting our wine tasting adventures at
When we entered, we had every intention of just wine tasting,
but as you entered, on the right side of the building....
Olive oil!
We couldn't resist...
it was like a vortex...
a vortex of everything that is good and right.

There were several samples of olive oil.
Some were jalapeno, some were garlic, some were basil
(you get the picture, right!).
They also had flavored vinegars.
Did I mention they also had wine?
Of course I didn't get any pictures of the wine tasting
because I was way to busy tasting wine!
Can you blame a girl
(that's rhetorical...don't answer that).
So one bottle of basil olive oil, one bottle of pomegranate vinegar,
and two bottles of wine later we ended up leaving.
We didn't make it very far though because I saw
this sign on the sidewalk and knew that this
was going to be the next
spot we wine tasted.

Cinque pulled us in.
They had cute little signs with clever
little sayings and we couldn't resist.
We ended up buying six bottles from Cinque.
I told Todd we had to hurry and leave
town before we went into debt buying wine.

We reluctantly headed back to the car around 3-4 PM,
8 bottles of wine, 1 bottle of olive oil, 1 bottle of vinegar,
and did I mention 3 blocks of cheese, later.
Before we reached the car, we made a quick jaunt to the
I must say they had lovely, and delicious,
artisanal cheeses available.
I can't remember the exact type of cheeses we purchased,
because we ate them already.
I can tell you they were super yummy.
We ended our day there, and decided to head back home
where I can tell you we enjoyed some of our days purchases.
So did you do anything unconventional for Easter weekend?

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