Monday, December 7, 2015

Let the Decorating Begin

Lord knows I'm no decorating expert, but I try my best.
I spent a little bit of time on Sunday tweaking our decorations.
So take a look and see what I did
(with a lot of help from my kids).

I put our massive candlesticks and little owls
on our newly constructed side table.
It doesn't look quite balanced,
but it's a new piece of furniture, so I need
to figure out what to put on there in the future.

This is the only real Christmas decoration
purchase I made this year.
I saw how shiny and sparkly it was and
 I had to have it.

Remember Ted the Tree from previous years?
Well...I felt sorry for my kids because
they don't really have any Christmas decorations
and their apartment is down right depressing.
So I gave up Ted.
I was really missing him, so when I saw this
little gem at Goodwill for $5 (in a planter with lights),
I snatched him up a year or two ago.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present
Ted 2.0!

I've had this little decoration for years,
and it is still one of my favorites.
It makes me giggle every time I read it.

I put our snowflake tablecloth on, but struggled
with a centerpiece.  I have these little snow people,
but I need to spiff this up a little.
Any suggestions?

Here's the tree in all its glory...
you remember, the one I forgot to take
Lexx and Aust helped decorate the tree
before they headed back to college.

And finally, here is the fireplace and mantle.
We have the lights on and the stockings up.
It's no Martha Stewart home,
but it's cozy and we can call it ours.
Besides, it's all the personal touches that
really make a house a home -
like the puzzle piece ornament
your daughter made for you in 1st grade.
So have you decorated yet?

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