Friday, August 15, 2014

Some More Santa Barbara

So when I left off, I had blogged
about day 1, 2 and part of day 3.
Day 3 (Tuesday) happened to be the day
that we did the most activities,
so after lunch and the mission we headed to
We didn't have much time before the
garden closed (like 1 1/2 hours), but we
only had to hike 1 mile so it was totally doable.

Keeping in mind that I have been to
I found the Santa Barbara  garden to be mediocre
comparatively speaking. 
It wasn't bad, it was just more natural looking.
It pretty much looked like my property
except that it had redwoods on it.

There were some cool parts at the garden,
like it had the dam and aqueduct that
directed water to the mission that we had just visited.

Being us, we had to take the usual
"weirdo" picture.

I do think Todd enjoyed the hike
more than yours truly.
There were rocks, and trees, and all
sorts of outdoorsy things.
I tend to enjoy air conditioned,
clean, low cardio activities.

After we sprinted through the gardens
we decided we needed to explore
Santa Barbara a little bit more,
so we drove up in the hills where there
are multi million dollar homes
and took pictures.

Hey, it made for a cool shot,
and we didn't jump out on anyone's lawn or anything
to take the picture.

When we got our fill of overly large homes
and winding roads, we decided to go back to the ocean.
We walked along the beach.

And we watched Outrigger teams practice.
Todd spoke to the coach and learned
a little more about the sport.

After it started to get darker and cooler,
we decided to go to dinner.
We found this restaurant that happened to be
there on the ocean, and it was amazing!
I didn't get any good pictures,
but trust me when I say the food was delicious.
We ended up finishing dinner around 9:30 PM,
and were so exhausted that we just went
back to our hotel room and crashed.
Not much happened on Wednesday because
Todd had to be at the conference from 7:30 AM - 9:00 PM.
He had the car, so I just stayed in my room,
slept in, ate and watched tons of tv.
Thursday was our last day in Santa Barbara,
and we headed home around 11 AM,
but we did make a short detour through Cambria.
We window shopped at a couple of different
stores, and let me tell you it took all my self control
not to buy anything.!
Cambria had some really cool shops
for such a small little town.

This shop happened to have succulents,
air plants and various pretty rocks.
I didn't get many pictures because
I was hangry, and that's all I could think about.
We found some sustenance at the local
alehouse, and with that, our vacation was over.
Six hours later we arrived home,
and ten hours after that we were driving
Lexx to have oral surgery.
I guess you have to go back to reality
at some point, but boy was it nice to
have some real R & R.


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