Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Santa Barbara Baby!

Todd and I had the opportunity to spend some time
together in Santa Barbara last week.
He was sent on a conference and asked me if I wanted to go.
I originally didn't think I would be able to get time off work,
so when my boss approved the time, I was elated.

We got there on a Sunday around 7 PM, 
checked into our hotel and then went to bed.

Todd's conference ran Monday through Thursday,
so we weren't able to spend many hours together,
but the time we were together, we made it count.
I can honestly say I got tons of R & R
on this vacation!

Monday, Todd had a BBQ on the beach with coworkers,
so he invited me and I was actually able to meet all the 
people Todd has talked about and worked with for 13 years.
Such nice people - he's a lucky guy.

Picture on the pier after the beach BBQ.

Of course we had to get desert after dinner,
and the plus...Yogurtland was about a block from our hotel.

Tuesday, Todd's work ended at noon
so we had the rest of the day to explore the Santa Barbara area.

First on the schedule, lunch on the harbor.

It was a beautiful day, and we sat outside eating lunch
for well over an hour just enjoying the weather and food.

After lunch we decided to explore the harbor a little,
so we walked almost to the end.

People were busy doing their water sports.

I had to take this random picture because I thought 
this sculpture was cool.  
It was a metallic like fish.
Ohhh shiny!
I like.

After we were done at the harbor
we headed over to Mission Santa Barbara.

This was one of the main things that I wanted to do
while in Santa Barbara was visit the mission.
I had read great reviews, and it didn't disappoint.

I just took a picture of this because it gave some
information about the mission, and I figured it was 
way easier to take a picture and have you read it
than it was to research and try and explain.

Of course, I had to make a fool of myself...
like always.  Sad thing is, you can't tell that that's
not my actual body.  My chubby little face looks
right at home on Friar Tubby's body.

The grounds were beautiful and perfectly kept.

And the sculptures and artwork were breathtaking.

I'm not lying when I tell you that I thought the chapel
was so beautiful that it actually made me tear up.

I have so many pictures of the mission
(like probably over 100) 
that I had to contain myself and only show you a few.

When we finished up at the mission,
it was around 3:30 - 4:00, 
so we decided to get a couple more activities in.

Stay tuned for 
the rest of the story! 

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