Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I'm back to work, and already missing vacation
(it's only day 2 - yikes!).
I found myself thinking about the family Tahoe trip
today and thought I would share some pictures.
There was much less snow than last year,
and the temps were probably in the high 50's,
this was much different from last years trip.
We decided to drive around the lake and make stops
whenever the urge hit.
The first stop was Eagle Falls.
We were just there in October and took pictures,
but we wanted to see how much water
was spilling over, so we hiked through the
snow to go and get a glimpse.
It was pretty awesome.
The pictures don't do it justice,
but there was a layer of ice over the top and then
snow all the other places.
Very cool!

This was the top of the waterfall,
and this was looking down from the top of the waterfall.
After we were done looking at the falls,
and had frozen our rearends off because we weren't
dressed correctly, we decided to try
and take a family picture.

Yeah!  We did it.
Then we decided to go for a little walk on one
of the boardwalk that is directly across from the falls.
We encountered something that we had never seen before.
Be sure to watch this.
cheat and look below the video!
Yep, we ran in to Mr. Bear.
Who would expect to see a bear in the middle of winter?
Apparently Mr. Bear thinks it's spring.
We didn't want to be Mr. Bear's dinner,
so we turned our fannies right back around and
headed for the car. 
It was at this point that we decided to just
continue driving around the lake
in the safety of our little car.

It was such a beautiful day,
and no picture can do it justice,
but I thought this was a fairly decent photo
of how perfect our day out was.

The kids couldn't hang with the real adults,
they fell asleep in the back,
so Todd and I took pictures while they slept.

At around 5 PM we ended up back at casinos,
and we were starving.
So we made a stop at the Hard Rock Café
and got some twisted mac n cheese.....

Lexx had to show off her sweatshirt while
we waited for my dinner.
Everyone else wanted hamburgers,
so after we watched the 49ers win a football game,
and I finished eating, we headed over to
their favorite burger joint.
I have no picture, but just imagine
everyone except me stuffing their faces
with a huge hamburger and you get the idea.
We had so much fun and enjoyed spending
the day together, especially since we get to see
so little of each other during the rest of the year.
It's a fun family tradition that we plan on
continuing for as long as our schedules allow.
Did you do any quick trips during the holidays,
or have any fun family traditions?

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