Thursday, January 2, 2014

Celebrating the New Year

As most of you know, we are not big party animals.
So a night at home was how we celebrated the new year.
We find it stress free
(and much less dangerous than being on the roads).
Although the party was small, we managed to have
a good time and kept ourselves entertained.
First order of business was to have Lexx take a picture of
my New Years outfit.  For those of you who guessed
that I would wear the yellow necklace...

You were correct.
We then had to take pictures together before everything
became too difficult due to alcohol consumption.

Mother and son.
Isn't he a handsome guy!
After a couple of pictures were taken,
it was time to get our mimosa on,

and that we did.
Aust downed two in the time I took a couple
sips out of mine!
Lexx wanted to get in on the picture action,
so of course we took selfies.
What else are you going to do when you
have to stay up until midnight and there
are only five of you at the party?

I had to force Todd to take a picture because
he was tired and just wanted to go to sleep.
He's not a big party animal,
as you may already know.

The kids (Alexxa, Austin and Natan) watched movies
in the living room and ate snacks all night.
Todd and I watched Warehouse 13
and relaxed in our room.
I made it to 12:30 AM,
but unfortunately Todd didn't.
This is how he brought the new year in,
and this is how I celebrated.
By taking a picture of my husband sleeping
and posting it on my blog without him knowing - bwahahaha!
It's gonna be a great year,
don't you think?

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