Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Workin' Hard

I was busy the entire weekend doing this and that.
Saturday I dropped some stuff off at Salvation Army,
and then proceeded to go inside the store and
purchase a few things.
It's a no win situation for me when I go there -
I've got a problem,
I really do.
I then ran over to Kmart to see if they had
any curtains that I liked.
Surprisingly they did, so I bought
1 panel and brought it home.
I tell you, I cannot for the life of me
figure out what window coverings I want on
our stinking windows.
Next, I headed over to Starbucks.
Grande, non fat, decaf, black and white mocha
thank you very much
(Todd and I like to call it a "why bother?")
When I got home, I cleaned and did laundry
for the rest of the afternoon.
Sunday, the laundry continued and I got a
bug up my bum and wanted to organize
our bedroom and closet.
So I did.
It was exhausting!
Todd decided to split so he wouldn't have
any chance of being conned into doing
my project, and he went for a hike with
Sindy and Special.
They were gone for about 5 hours.
Todd came dragging himself through
the door, almost unable to lift his legs.
Sindy wasn't in much better shape.
Special was bouncing around like
she could do another round.
About 5 PM we called it quits
and headed back to our bed where
the heating blanket and movies are.
Sindy recuperating from her hike.

Me enjoying a nice afternoon snack after all my hard work.
Was your weekend as exciting as mine?
Please tell me no and let me live
vicariously through you!


Anonymous said...

Who in the world is "Special" that went with Todd and Sindy??? AA

Brenda said...

Special K. Todd calls her Special.