Friday, January 4, 2013

2012's New Year Resolutions

*Please note: I'm not sure why all the font colors are wacky, but blogger has not been cooperating with me lately.  I'm thinking about switching if the troubles persist.  I apologize!

You may remember that I wrote about some things that I
wanted to accomplish in 2012.
I thought this would be a good time to see how well I did.
(Remember - this is a no judge zone!)
See past post here.

1. Finish painting hallway and ceiling in kitchen/living room. FAIL
Got the hallway painted, but the ceiling still remains undone.
2. Put blinds on the living room windows. FAIL
Didn't even come close.  Haven't searched or bought any blinds.
3. Save up and pay cash for living room furniture. FAIL but with good reason.
All extra money went to visiting my brother.
4. Build an entertainment center for the living room (with Todd's help of course). FAIL
I may have failed, but Todd's got a Kreg jig I'm on the right path!
5. Paint and reorganize Todd & Brenda's bedroom. Sort of accomplished.
Does totally moving out of old room and into another one count? 
Being honest, the new room is a bigger mess at the present moment.
6. Pull up carpet in bedroom. SUCCESS!
Only carpet left is in one closet.
7. Organize the cupboards and closets. Sort of accomplished.
I organized some but not's still a work in progress.
8. Draft up plans for remodeling bathroom.  FAIL
Um ya, we're still bickering over what to do here.
9. Read a book a monthSUCCESS!
Easy!  Between Fifty Shades and The Hunger Games trilogy, this was no problem.
10. Get healthy (doesn't mean diet).  BIG FAIL
Um ya (again), I think my new new years resolution explains this one.
11. Eat more veggies - double Y - U - C - K!  Sort of accomplished.
I learned to eat veggies disguised in potato.  I'm such a child.
12. Go for at least one walk a week.  Sort of accomplished.
I started to be successful and then injured my foot in October and haven't really exercised since.
13. Play on computer less and go outside more.  FAIL
I'm on here blogging.  Need I say more?
14. Take some kind of class (photography, cake making, sewing). SUCCESS!
Photography class taken.  I would still like to pursue this more.
15. Take photographs good enough to frame and display in the house.  Sort of accomplished.
Have some good pictures taken - not framed.
16. Plan at least 1 vacation, develop itinerary and budget, and track.  Sort of accomplished.
Planned itinerary - couldn't use it because funds were low due to answer to #3.
17. Buy a more professional wardrobe for work (boring but necessary).  FAIL
Ya, I don't think I bought one thing professional.
18. Do some sort of car maintenance at least once a month.  FAIL
My car exploded shortly after this list.  I got the oil changed on my new one.  Need to again in Jan., but I didn't do anything monthly.
19. Tell someone "I love you" every day (preferably family or friends)SUCCESS!
I tell Todd and the kids every morning.
20. Be thankful for something at least once a daySUCCESS!
Yep - I say what I'm thankful for at least once a day.

Well, at least I'm not a total failure, there are a couple of successes.  I guess I'll go back to the drawing board on some of these and see if 2013 is a better year to try and accomplish some of these.

My new resolution is to get healthy....
like seriously healthy...
like not get sick every other week healthy.

I'm not quite sure how I'm going to go about that yet, but I have some time to do research.

So how did you fair on your resolutions?

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