Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 5 & 6 - Swimming, Shooting, Quading, Hiking

We spent day 5 hanging around my parent's house.
First, my dad took us to a local swimming hole.

Ohhh, pretty!

Looks like fun.

Then we shot off guns.

Look at that form.

When we were finished there, we decided to....

Go riding on the quad, and....

Get relaxation station set up.

Silly kids trying to flip each other out of RS.

For the rest of day 5, this is pretty much what we did.

When we got home, my mom had made ribs and homemade ice cream, and I indulged a little too much because the next morning I was feeling rank.

We were supposed to hike Gearhart Mountain, 
but when I woke up I had a splitting headache and upset stomach.
The troops were understanding, so they set out with one of my parent's neighbors in tow, and went hiking.

The gang was gone for about 6-7 hours, and when they returned everybody was moaning.
Apparently it is a 13-14 mile trip up to the top of the mountain and back, but on top of that it has a pretty steep incline.
Everyone involved agreed that it was better that I stayed home with my mom, because they thought if I would have gone that I would have ended up crying and cussing everyone out.
This may or may not be true (but probably more than likely...true).

It may have been a hike, but they did get to see some amazing views.

Jimmy, my parent's super sweet neighbor.
She used to be a marathon runner and a mountain climber!

Look at those little mountain goats.

One of the cool pictures from the day.

Look at this marvelous view.

So ended day 6.

Next up, our last day of vacation!

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