Monday, June 18, 2012

Weekend Redux

Wow, this weekend was super fun and super busy. 
As you read, Friday, Todd and I went to dinner and a movie.  Got home late and crashed.
BTW, late to us in 9 pm.
Cut us some slack though, we are over 40.

Saturday, I had to work at the fair because my boss at work broke her foot, 
so I volunteered to take her spot.
When I did this, I didn't know that it was going to be 105 degrees out...double YUCK.
Fortunately, the booth I had to work was indoors and I only had to work 6-8 PM.
I will do a different post showing what we did that night.
I would do that tonight, but the camera is out in my car and I'm too lazy to get up and get it.

Sunday was, of course, Father's Day.
We ended up having breakfast with my dad at ARPG and it was yummy.
We got home around 11 AM, turned around and invaded Todd's brother, Bret's house.
Why?  Because he has a killer pool.
You have never seen a private pool this big and beautiful.
It was amazing and it felt so good to just swim, relax, and have an adult beverage.

From left to right:  Todd, Dennis, Bret
Sitting down:  Robb
Sorry, you are only getting one picture for this post because the computer took 20 minutes to upload 1 pic.
I'll add more to a different post Tuesday.

After we were done swimming, we headed over to Todd's dad's house and had hamburgers, beans, chips and TONS of dessert, including homemade ice cream and strawberry pie (amongst other goodies).
After dinner we watched home movies and then went home.

It was a great weekend, but man am I pooped.
I'm not used to all this young kid stuff like staying up late.

Did you do anything fun?

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