Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fun At The Fair

So my post is a little out of order, but if you remember,
 I was too lazy to go out to my car to get the camera.

I finally remembered to bring the little point-and-shoot in the house, 
therefore, allowing me to share photos of my pleasant evening.

As I told you before, I had to work from 6-8 PM.
It had cooled down nicely by the time my shift was over (it was about 95 degrees),
 so Todd and I decided to get ourselves so 20/30 Club tacos....

Yumm, dinner.
Lemonade and tacos.
Also, we paid $8 for the lemonade cup, but you had unlimited refills - score!
I have to say that the tacos were De.lic.ious

Todd loving on his tacos.

After our very healthy dinner (uh hum), we headed over to listen to an 80's cover band.

A nice evening for a little outdoor fun.

This band rocked could they not, look at the singers 80's rocker hair! 

Some drunk patrons, allegedly.

Apparently, the later in the evening, the more the booze flows,
 the more drunks you get dancing and riding the mechanical bull.

Todd and I only saw one guy ride the bull.
I guess it was too early in the evening (9ish).

Some other stops of interest were...
the 4-H area.
Isn't this cow the cutest?
I sure hope they don't eat it - this is in fact why I can't eat meat.
Look at those big beautiful eyes.

The bomb robot that was rolling around at the Sheriff''s booth.
It was cool watching it travel all over the place.

We also visited the quilting area, the garden/greenery stuff area and the photography area.
Unfortunately, I didn't get pictures, but I really enjoyed the quilts 
and Todd really enjoyed the Bonsai Tree area.

Going to the fair was a nice change.
I'm not one that likes to go to fairs, but I found this little county one to be very pleasant
 and maybe even a little bit fun - GASP!

And for your amusement, one last picture
This is why you don't take pictures at the end of the night after being at the fair.

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