Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Earliest Memory

The past couple weeks I have had lots of time to sit around and reflect on my past.  It seems to be that when someone passes, people like to share their favorite memories.  I have heard some great stories about both my grandma and my brother.

Whilst listening to everyone's stories, this got me to thinking, I wonder what the earliest age is that most people can remember back to (like how I threw in the fancy "whilst" in there?  I'm not sure if I used it correctly, so humor me!).?

I personally have two vivid memories from when I was about 3 years old.  I will only bore you with one of the memories however. 

 I was visiting a place, I'm assuming the zoo, and they had some REALLY COOL balloons for sale, and I REALLY WANTED one of them.  I asked my parents if I could have one and they said no.  Disappointed, I started to shuffle my feet in hopes of slowing things down and giving my parents time to realize what a huge mistake they had made by not buying me the most awesome balloon ever.  Unfortunately, my dad didn't see it in the same light that I did, and he told me to hurry up.  Instead of walking like a normal person, in true Brenda fashion, I decided to shuffle my feet a little faster.  My dad didn't think this was a very good idea, and so I got a swat on my bottom.  Completely and utterly disappointed, I ran off and pouted in front of an old wagon.  We have pictures of me throwing this tantrum, arms crossed and bottom lip out.

So what is your earliest memory and how old were you?  Do share!

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