Friday, June 29, 2012

Yipee, Yahoo

It's the weekend.
What are you gonna do?
(See that, I made a little rhyme)

I have big plans this weekend that include eating, a party, packing, shopping and sleeping.
Doesn't that sound like a little piece of heaven?

Do you have anything spectacular planned this weekend?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Citra Sipper

Have you ever seen one of these before?
You stick the little straw thingy in the citrus and start drinking away.

I wonder if it really works.  What do you think?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Some SWEET Treats

4th of July is right around the corner.

Here are a few ideas of some treats for your 4th of July celebration.

Weird that it says happy birthday mom and dad...but I love the decorations.

So, did any of the above get the creative juices flowing?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Look At This Cuteness

Look who came to visit.
I got a few pictures of my sweet little niece Ava.
Isn't she hillarious.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Unfamiliar with the above term, it is a photographic tool used to tell stories.  
Triptychs (3 images and pronounced trip-tic) can be from the same session,
 or opposite to show contrasting ideas.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Arrrrgh Matey

I found these little butes on Pinterest.
I might have to try me some of these.

Dirty Pirate Popsicle

2 1/2 cups Coke
1/3 cup Captain Morgan Spiced Rum
1/3 cup Kahlua

  1. Place all ingredients in a large glass and stir to combine. Pour mixture into popsicles mold.
     2.  Freeze for about 2 hours or until mixture starts to solidify enough to hold a popsicle stick
          upright. Insert popsicle sticks and finish freezing popsicles overnight. To release popsicles run
          hot water on the outside of popsicle molds for a 2-3 seconds.

*Slightly flat Coke will produce a popsicle that stays frozen longer. To quickly and manually flatten out the carbonation, empty out enough Coke from a 2-liter bottle to leave a 3-inch space from top of bottle to top of coke. Place cap back on and shake vigorously for 10 seconds. Set aside to leave bubbles to subside.

And check this out, if you want to mix it up a bit, you can replace the kahlua with peach schnapps and instead of a dirty pirate popsicle, you have a dirty pirate hooker popsicle.  Who'duvthunkit?

Psst - If you are going to enjoy some of these, enjoy safely!

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

It's a suitcase,
it's a scooter,

It's a micro luggage scooter.

With summer vacation just around the corner, I think everyone needs to purchase one of these.

What do you think?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fun At The Fair

So my post is a little out of order, but if you remember,
 I was too lazy to go out to my car to get the camera.

I finally remembered to bring the little point-and-shoot in the house, 
therefore, allowing me to share photos of my pleasant evening.

As I told you before, I had to work from 6-8 PM.
It had cooled down nicely by the time my shift was over (it was about 95 degrees),
 so Todd and I decided to get ourselves so 20/30 Club tacos....

Yumm, dinner.
Lemonade and tacos.
Also, we paid $8 for the lemonade cup, but you had unlimited refills - score!
I have to say that the tacos were De.lic.ious

Todd loving on his tacos.

After our very healthy dinner (uh hum), we headed over to listen to an 80's cover band.

A nice evening for a little outdoor fun.

This band rocked could they not, look at the singers 80's rocker hair! 

Some drunk patrons, allegedly.

Apparently, the later in the evening, the more the booze flows,
 the more drunks you get dancing and riding the mechanical bull.

Todd and I only saw one guy ride the bull.
I guess it was too early in the evening (9ish).

Some other stops of interest were...
the 4-H area.
Isn't this cow the cutest?
I sure hope they don't eat it - this is in fact why I can't eat meat.
Look at those big beautiful eyes.

The bomb robot that was rolling around at the Sheriff''s booth.
It was cool watching it travel all over the place.

We also visited the quilting area, the garden/greenery stuff area and the photography area.
Unfortunately, I didn't get pictures, but I really enjoyed the quilts 
and Todd really enjoyed the Bonsai Tree area.

Going to the fair was a nice change.
I'm not one that likes to go to fairs, but I found this little county one to be very pleasant
 and maybe even a little bit fun - GASP!

And for your amusement, one last picture
This is why you don't take pictures at the end of the night after being at the fair.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The MONGO Pool

Today the computer was being less stupid so I was able to post pictures from Father's Day.
Yay for computers not being stupid!
(Beware - photo heavy post)

This is Bret and Amy's amazing pool.
Yes, it has a beach entry, and see where the little fountain is,
 there is a space to plug the fountain and put an umbrella in.  So clever!
Also, you can walk from the beach entry all the way over to the swim up bar.
That's right you heard me - a bar in the pool.
See where the side of the pool looks a little wider at the end,
That's where you put your drinks and there are stools to sit on there as well.

I took this picture from top of the waterfall.  
It's pretty high up there.
No, I did not jump off, but most everyone else did.

There were shenanigans pulled.
Robb jumped off the waterfall and tried to tip Bret over-
(unsuccessfully I might add).

Don't feel too sorry for Bret.
Todd got him back.

Ooohhhh, brotherly love.

Here are the brothers posing on the waterfall.
Bret, Todd, Robb

Todd's Uncle Lynn even got in on the action.
I think he's 74.

There was a little uninvited guest in the pool.
He tried to play dead...

but we knew better.
He got up and hopped away.

Everyone enjoyed lounging by the pool and relaxing.

Big thanks to Bret and Amy for sharing their house with everyone.
It was an awesome day.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Weekend Redux

Wow, this weekend was super fun and super busy. 
As you read, Friday, Todd and I went to dinner and a movie.  Got home late and crashed.
BTW, late to us in 9 pm.
Cut us some slack though, we are over 40.

Saturday, I had to work at the fair because my boss at work broke her foot, 
so I volunteered to take her spot.
When I did this, I didn't know that it was going to be 105 degrees out...double YUCK.
Fortunately, the booth I had to work was indoors and I only had to work 6-8 PM.
I will do a different post showing what we did that night.
I would do that tonight, but the camera is out in my car and I'm too lazy to get up and get it.

Sunday was, of course, Father's Day.
We ended up having breakfast with my dad at ARPG and it was yummy.
We got home around 11 AM, turned around and invaded Todd's brother, Bret's house.
Why?  Because he has a killer pool.
You have never seen a private pool this big and beautiful.
It was amazing and it felt so good to just swim, relax, and have an adult beverage.

From left to right:  Todd, Dennis, Bret
Sitting down:  Robb
Sorry, you are only getting one picture for this post because the computer took 20 minutes to upload 1 pic.
I'll add more to a different post Tuesday.

After we were done swimming, we headed over to Todd's dad's house and had hamburgers, beans, chips and TONS of dessert, including homemade ice cream and strawberry pie (amongst other goodies).
After dinner we watched home movies and then went home.

It was a great weekend, but man am I pooped.
I'm not used to all this young kid stuff like staying up late.

Did you do anything fun?

Friday, June 15, 2012

Date Night

The hubs and I decided to have a date night tonight.
The kids went to Fast Fridays, so we figured why not/

We went to our usual, Chili's, for our bottomless soup and salad.
Then we went to see Rock of Ages.

It was different, not good, not bad (okay...maybe a little on the bad side). 
I would suggest that you save your money though, and wait for it to come out on video.

A couple of plus sides to the movie, 80's rock music and Tom Cruise with his shirt off! 

Good night all. 
Have a great weekend, and...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Keeping Occupied

I've been trying to keep myself occupied.
I find photography relaxing.
On Sunday, Lexx was going to her friends wedding and was all dressed up, so I snapped a picture.
Ooooohhh, pretty.
Then, Austin came home from work and I snagged a photo of him as well.
Look at that handsome mug.

Those are two good looking kids, don't you agree.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Earliest Memory

The past couple weeks I have had lots of time to sit around and reflect on my past.  It seems to be that when someone passes, people like to share their favorite memories.  I have heard some great stories about both my grandma and my brother.

Whilst listening to everyone's stories, this got me to thinking, I wonder what the earliest age is that most people can remember back to (like how I threw in the fancy "whilst" in there?  I'm not sure if I used it correctly, so humor me!).?

I personally have two vivid memories from when I was about 3 years old.  I will only bore you with one of the memories however. 

 I was visiting a place, I'm assuming the zoo, and they had some REALLY COOL balloons for sale, and I REALLY WANTED one of them.  I asked my parents if I could have one and they said no.  Disappointed, I started to shuffle my feet in hopes of slowing things down and giving my parents time to realize what a huge mistake they had made by not buying me the most awesome balloon ever.  Unfortunately, my dad didn't see it in the same light that I did, and he told me to hurry up.  Instead of walking like a normal person, in true Brenda fashion, I decided to shuffle my feet a little faster.  My dad didn't think this was a very good idea, and so I got a swat on my bottom.  Completely and utterly disappointed, I ran off and pouted in front of an old wagon.  We have pictures of me throwing this tantrum, arms crossed and bottom lip out.

So what is your earliest memory and how old were you?  Do share!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Currently Loving

I love this idea.
Andrew Miller takes your photographs and creates amazing portraits using your photos.

Plus, how cute is that kid...this pic makes my heart smile.

Monday, June 11, 2012

A Surprise At The Dump

It was that time of year for us, you know,
 the time when you get so much junk you have to make a dump run.

We took off on a Sunday to our local dump, deposited all our trash,
 and on the way out we just happened to look up.

Look what we spied...

Can you tell what they are?

No...take a closer look.

Aren't they the cutest?  They are baby owls.  

I gotta tell you that I usually don't like dump runs, but these little beauties totally made it worth while.

Monday, June 4, 2012

A Blessed Week

This past week was very emotional. 
On Wednesday my dear Grandmother passed away,
and in less than a day, my little brother passed away. 

I will be taking this week off in hopes of healing my heart a little.

My beautiful brother, Russ, and his son.

My dear Grandma Maurine

Best to all of you.