Saturday, October 22, 2011

Photography Challenge

I saw this challenge the other day and it peaked my interest. While it was supposed to be started at the beginning of this month, I'm going to do it in my own time frame. I think you should join me and share your pictures. Don't you think it would be fun to compare pics? I just love to see how creative people are.
So...are you up for it? You know you want to. Pssst-If you can't read the above because it's really small, you can go to the site. Here you go: The first 7 days are as follows: day 1: self portrait day 2: what you wore today day 3: clouds day 4: something green day 5: from a high angle day 6: from a low angle day 7: fruit I'll update the next 7 days next week when I share my pictures.


Den said...

If you can't read it because it's really small, just click on it and it will be enlarged... Works on my computer:)

Brenda said...

You're a genius. I kept trying to find a copy that was larger, but my blog wouldn't accept it, it kept shrinking it. Now I know why. Sometimes I can't figure out what goes on with this blog!

Amy said...

Sounds fun -- I want to do it!!!

Brenda said...

I say you go for it. I'm going to show my pictures about once a week. I can't wait to see yours :)