Friday, October 21, 2011

Hey Pumpkin

It's getting to be that time of year, you know, Halloween. I have to admit I have been lacking in the decorating and pumpkin carving arena the past couple of years. In fact, you might say that I have been a Grinch, but at Halloween time. Yes I have had a bad attitude, didn't want to carve the pumpkins, turned off the lights so nobody would come up, didn't buy candy (or maybe I ate all the candy that I did buy...I can't remember), and had my vicious dog out in the front yard (that last comment was a little joke..Sindy). Todd just sent me an email with some incredible carved pumpkins and it may or may not have motivated me to get busy. Do you want to see?
I thought this one represented Todd.
This one reminded me of Austin studying calculus.
This one is for Alexxa. I think of her Anatomy class information eating her brain
I thought this one looked like me.
This one if for Dennis because he's a viking, just ask him.
This one is for Anne because, you know, Cowboy football.
This one is my mom trying to figure out a sewing project. .
This one reminded me of what my dad might have seen after he fell out of his boat. I know it's an angler fish, and it's found in the ocean and he fell in a pond, but it's still funny.
This didn't remind me of anyone, I just thought it was pretty amazing. After seeing all of these amazing pumpkins I got on the ball, put my thinking cap on and came up with this beauty...
Just kidding-I didn't carve this. This is way better than I could do. Are you planning on carving pumpkins this year? If so, what are you going to carve? Jack-o-lantern, vampire, ghost - possibilities are endless.


Anonymous said...

I liked the Cowboy pumpkin!! My pumpkins would ALWAYS have big round eyes and a big smiley mouth as I have never liked scarey things:-) Dennis is the carving champ for sure, although he did pass down his trade secrets to 3 boys who do great work also. Anonymous A.

Brenda said...

Unfortumately, mine never look this good. I've even resorted to painting them and doing other non carving things. Some people have all the patience....I'm not one of them.