Monday, September 5, 2011


The fam and I have been enjoying our nice three day weekend. We didn't have any spectacular plans, we mostly relaxed. I did have a couple projects that I worked on (and I use the word "work" loosely) over the past couple of days. Of course, I'm not finished, as I am great at starting projects and horrible at finishing them...I seem to run out of steam and enthusiasm.

The first project that I started about 3 weeks ago, and still haven't finished is spray painting the patio furniture. I had contemplated buying a new set, but being the cheapo that I am I decided to come up with a different plan...Make the most of what you've got. So, I headed out to Home Depot and picked myself up 5 cans of Rust-O-Leum Espresso Brown Satin spray paint. The original patio set was a nice forest green, but the elements haven't been kind, and the set has become a little worse for wear with rust spots here and there. I got busy with my little cans and started spraying away, problem is, I didn't have enough paint. I have one chair and the entire table to finish, but I will give you a sneak peek at how it is looking thus far.

I do want to see if I can find some cushions for the seats, but I don't want to pay a fortune for them. If I can find a good deal I'll pick some up, if not, no big deal.

I also hung curtains (actually Todd hung them and I supervised him) in the hallway because when you are watching TV in the family room, at certain times of the day there is a terrible glare. I didn't take a picture, but you will see what it looks like at a later date because I have another project that is taking me F.O.R.E.V.E.R. It's not difficult, it's just not fun to do when it gets warm outside because it then gets muggy in the work area. I'm hoping to be finished with my big project in the next couple weeks...we'll see. Here's crossing my finger that I find some motivation to finish a project.

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