Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bad Little Bandit and Other Things

The fam and I enjoyed a nice relaxing weekend at home (mostly). Todd and I were supposed to take our photography lessons, but I got wires crossed and had to reschedule...so goes life. It worked out well anyways because Todd had some Autocad work that he needed to complete, and I had house chores to do.

On Sunday morning, about 7:30 AM, we were startled awake by Sindy barking her little head off. Todd went out to see what all the commotion was about, and Sindy was busy trying to chase 3 deer out of our yard. No problem, good dog, Todd settled her down and went back to bed. Shortly thereafter, the puppies started going wild...first thought STUPID DEER. So I got up, went over to where our sink is to look out the window and little Bailey was going nuts, she just about jumped over the fence. I told her to hush, she didn't, I told her to hush again, she didn't, so me in my state of frustration looked out the window while I contemplated muzzling her, and right in my line of sight was a raccoon staring me right in the eye.

Oh hey! Howz you doing?

The little booger was treed by Sindy and the puppies were going nuts because the raccoon was still there.

I ran in to our bedroom, grabbed Todd and the camera, went outside and started snapping pictures left and right. While outside Todd noticed that there was not only one raccoon in the tree, but two. After snapping a million pictures I came inside to download the pictures and guess what - I HAD NO DISC IN MY CAMERA - no pictures. DING, DIDDY, DAG NAM IT! *Side note: Probably a good thing Todd and I didn't end up going to the photo lessons, but this is proof that I really need to.

This isn't the actual raccoon, but it looked just like this, and was even positioned in the tree like this.

Note: All pictures are not taken by me, but they should have been.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will, I'm glad that all the Raccoons finally made it over to your place... I haven't had any here for a long time:) I thought Sindy was spelled Cindy??? I guess you changed her name??