Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Who knew...

I was so indecisive; Solids, patterns, I just can't decide. I've been looking for dinnerware since the last time I blogged. In six days I've found about five sets. I showed Todd my choices and he told me he didn't like any of them, to which I replied, "And your point?" He thinks we should just go to the dollar store to buy a set, or just purchase a ton of paper plates, this is why his vote doesn't count. Men!!!

I did find one set that I absolutely fell in love with, but I don't think that I will be getting it considering the plate alone was $135 (Yes that is 1 plate). I could just see myself pulling out the plate for company and the plate slipping out of my hands and shattering on the floor. Then I would have to cuss and be all upset, it's just not worth it.

So, I'm off to look for some more options on my dinnerware.

Toodles :)

Things I'm thankful for today:
That it is the end of the day and this god awful temperature - uuughh
My niece riding her rocking horse in her tutu. Bust that bronco Ava.
The Internet to help keep me so indecisive on things (just when I think I like something, I find something else I like more).

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