Thursday, September 30, 2010

You Vote

After agonizing over dinnerware for the past week, I finally came up with a few that are possible options. Some seem to go with our decor (is "early garage sale" a decor style?)and some don't. So because I told you I would let you help me pick out a style, and I'm a woman of my word, here you go:

#1 Gourmet Expressions Birdsong
Great color and cute design.

#2 Certified International Belle Isle
Pretty fancy but fancy edges and cool paisley design.

#3 Artimino Sienna
About as crazy colorful as I am willing to get.

#4 Artimino Tuscan Countryside
Plain, would go with pretty much anything, but I like all the little twisties.

#5 Misto Paisley
Love the design, but I'm not sure the colors completely match our decor.

#6 Misto Angela
I really like the colors and design on this set, but I'm not sure I like the little white dots.

In order to vote you will have to leave a comment to let me know your favorite *GASP. Happy voting.

Thing I'm thankful for today:
Your input - wink, wink ;P

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Who knew...

I was so indecisive; Solids, patterns, I just can't decide. I've been looking for dinnerware since the last time I blogged. In six days I've found about five sets. I showed Todd my choices and he told me he didn't like any of them, to which I replied, "And your point?" He thinks we should just go to the dollar store to buy a set, or just purchase a ton of paper plates, this is why his vote doesn't count. Men!!!

I did find one set that I absolutely fell in love with, but I don't think that I will be getting it considering the plate alone was $135 (Yes that is 1 plate). I could just see myself pulling out the plate for company and the plate slipping out of my hands and shattering on the floor. Then I would have to cuss and be all upset, it's just not worth it.

So, I'm off to look for some more options on my dinnerware.

Toodles :)

Things I'm thankful for today:
That it is the end of the day and this god awful temperature - uuughh
My niece riding her rocking horse in her tutu. Bust that bronco Ava.
The Internet to help keep me so indecisive on things (just when I think I like something, I find something else I like more).

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Maybe I Should Grow Up...

Very random, I know!

and get a set of dishes that match. At one time I had a lovely set, but as time went on the set slowly broke or disappeared (Austin - Alexxa!). When the kids were younger they liked to take assorted kitchen items outside. I remember looking outside and seeing Austin and Alexxa using our brand new spoons as shovels to dig in the dirt.

I just decided that this mismatched mess bugs me, and I'm going to start looking for a new set of dishes. I'll probably pick a few sets and maybe I'll have you guys help me decide which one to purchase. Do know...I reserve the right to veto your votes if I decide I don't like the outcome :P Why? Cause I can.

Stay tuned.

Things I'm thankful for today:
My lovely little family.
Loki talking to me when I get home...actually it's more like a long bark, but whatev
Awesome 80 degree weather, thank you and yes please.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Terrible Two's and a Kayak

Todd and I had a great weekend. My sister and her family were out visiting from Phoenix, so we got to spend some time with them. My niece turned two on Friday, so we had her birthday dinner at Spaghetti Factory and then went to my grandma's house for ice cream cake.

On Saturday we went to Stumpy Meadows and kayaked. Ava had been bugging her mom about it since she tried it in Oregon, so we thought it would be an extra special treat for her. My mom made lunch and my dad, Todd, Karen, Ava, Loki and myself all enjoyed eating it! We then took turns kayaking and enjoyed the beautiful day.

After kayaking, we headed back to my parents house for dinner and football.

It was a fun time with family...I sure am gonna miss the little monkey (Ava)!

Things I'm thankful for:
Two year old nieces
Picnics and kayaking on the weekend.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Holy Sweet Saccharine Batman

This is a chocoholics dream. Did you know that there was such a thing as a chocolate mousse body wrap? Me either. It's on Groupon today for $49 ( ).
And in case that link doesn't work, just to prove I'm not pulling your leg, here is the actual day spa that does it
( ) for a not so sweet deal of $135.

I wonder if you don't like the body wrap if they'll let you lick it off...oh wait, that's kinda gross...:P

Things I'm thankful for today:

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Once upon a time, a very long time ago, there were two kids and they fell in love.

They got married and had two beautiful children.

Years passed, their kids got older, but with each passing day their love for each other grew.

As for the rest of the story...I guess you'll have to stick around to find out.

Here's to another 20, 40, 60 more years. Happy Anniversary!

Things I'm thankful for today:
Being married to my best friend.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


For sure

What I'm thankful for today:
Finishing a task.
A good nights sleep.

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Not So Labor(ious) Weekend: Weekend Redux

Todd and I woke up Saturday morning and headed out to visit Alexxa in Monterey. We battled traffic all the way down, and what should have been a 3 1/2 hour drive turned in to a 5 hour drive. We pulled in to CSUMB around 2 PM and met a very excited Alexxa. She brought us to her dorm and proceeded to show us all the improvements she had made. It didn't take long, and Lexx was ready for lunch.

Alexxa's dorm, after she has settled in.

We ended up going to Chili's for lunch, then to Wal Mart to pick up supplies that Alexxa needed, then back to her dorm, and finally all three of us headed to our hotel room in Salinas. Note to anyone who wants to stay in the area - don't go to Salinas. We found out from a kid who worked in the Salinas AM / PM that they are number 4 in California for murders per capita (behind Compton, Oakland and some other town that I don't remember). He asked why we were visiting, we told him because they had good deals on hotels, to which he responded, "I don't want to scare you but you probably don't want to stay here too long. Were not doing so good."

Anywho, we were supposed to go to dinner Saturday night, but Lexx was feeling sick to here stomach, so we just stayed in the hotel room and chillaxed (relaxed + chill = chillaxed).

Alexxa getting some much neede rest before the long Sunday afternoon.

Sunday morning rolled around and Lexx felt better, so we went to breakfast and then headed to Cannery Row to do the tourist thing. We had lots of fun and took several pictures and walked around for about 4 hours.

Lexx and Todd posing on Cannery Row.

A street vendor in Monterey.

Todd and Alexxa near the ocean.

Alexxa making friends with an otter (her college mascot).

The wax museum.

Well helloooo officer.

Exhausted, we headed back to CSUMB where Lexx took us on a quick tour of the campus.

CSU, Monterey Bay

Front of CSUMB library.

Photo from the 3rd story of the library.

Alexxa and Mommy on campus.

By the time we finished it was about 5 PM and so Todd and I decided to head back home. On the drive home we stopped at Casa de Fruta and did a little shopping. It was a great weekend: Kid, food and fun!

Casa de Fruta

Casa de Sweets

Casa de Choo Choo

Casa de Wine

Really big water wheel at Casa de Fruta.

One of several antiques displayed at Casa de Fruta.

Things I'm thankful for:
Spending time with my family (Poor little Austin had to work).
Long weekends.
Tons of yummy food!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Alexxa Update

Alexxa and some of her friends from CSUMB.

Alexxa alien head, and all her friends that are out of this world.

I have talked to Alexxa several times since she moved to Monterey. She is missing home, family and friends like crazy. She said she struggled through her first couple of weeks of class. She doesn't quite have the hang of things yet, like on line classes, assignments and homework; I did reassure her, however, that this will get better with time.

Soccer is not going as planned as well. She is red shirted (not on the traveling team), and the team trainer thought that she had a hairline fracture. It ends up that she has shin splints close to her ankles (I thought they had to be on your shins, thus the name shin splints...who knew).

The good news is she has made some friends and has been keeping herself occupied with different activities: going to the beach with friends, making videos in dorm rooms, hanging out with friends, going to soccer get togethers, ice cream socials, you know, the important stuff.

All in all, it looks like things are lgoing okay. Like I said, it will take a little time to adjust, but I have all the confidence in the world that she will be successful and end up loving it there.

Things I'm thankful for today: