Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy Almost Birthday to Me

It's almost that time again,
you know, the month of birthday celebrations.
I'm extremely fortunate to have such wonder
and caring family.
Every year I get spoiled 
(as does everyone else in our family).

My first birthday celebration this year 
took place at my parents house.
They are not going to be in the state on my
actual birthday, so my mom wanted to make
me dinner and spoil me a little.

On the menu:  
Deviled eggs
Bbq chicken
Macaroni salad
Mom's special beans
Various vegetables
Chocolate pie
My mom, dad, Todd, Lexx and I
were all present for the celebration.
Austin couldn't make it because 
he is back at college. 

We lounged around, stuffing our faces for a few hours.
We ate, talked, took a few pictures, ate, opened presents,
and then decided we had better get home since
three of us had to work the next day.
Since it was only my parent's house,
I didn't get dressed up, but I did 
manage to curl my hair, put some makeup on,
and find a clean dress to wear. 
Of course Lexx had to take pictures with me,
because that's what we do when we are together.

I love that she still wants to spend time with 
her Mama even though she's an adult and 
has a life of her own.

I couldn't ask for a nicer birthday celebration.
I really appreciate the effort and love
my family puts forth in order to make my day special.

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