Monday, September 12, 2016

27 Years!

Todd and I celebrated our 27th anniversary 
this past weekend, and it was fabulous!

I wanted to do something a little different
for him this year, so I planned in advance.
I knew that I wanted to take him to a concert,
but I was not having any success finding a band
that both of us would like.
I looked for weeks, and then all of a sudden,
everything fell into place.

Our special weekend started off with me 
working from 6:30 AM - 1:00 PM.
The concert I found was in Reno, NV,
so that meant that I had to rent a hotel,
pack Todd's bags, pack my bags, and
sneak them into my car without Todd noticing
all before I went to work on Saturday morning.

It wasn't an easy task, but I got it done.
I did my presentations at work, and then
rushed home to pick up Todd so we could
boogie to Reno before the concert started. 

We ended up leaving our house around 2 PM.
I hadn't really eaten all day,
so I took Todd to our favorite pizza place in Truckee.
Not romantic I know, 
but we LOVE this pizza!
It was delicious, as always,
So we left stuffed and happy.
We arrived in Reno around 5:00 PM, 
and promptly checked into our hotel so
that we could get ready for the concert 
that started at 8:00 PM.
We were extremely happy with the Atlantis Resort.
It was perfect for what we needed.
Todd and I managed to get ready, 
and with some time to spare.
We were going to just walk right next door
to the Reno Convention Center to watch the concert...
which is why I reserved the Atlantis in the first place,
but boy were we surprised when we walked
part way there and realized there wasn't any
concert being held at the convention center....

We pulled out our handy little cell phones
and figured out that the concert was at the Reno Event Center.
It was only 3 miles away, so it was no big deal,
but it was a little hitch in our plans.
I guess I should read all the concert info before
I book hotels in the future...DUMB!
We made it to the concert with no other problems,
and enjoyed the evening singing to Alabama.
The songs they sang brought back a ton of
memories, and that is the reason I chose them.

When Todd and I were dating, and first married,
Alabama was our favorite country band.
We went to two of their concerts in our 20's,
It was fate for us to go to the concert,
because as I was saying earlier, I had been looking
for weeks and couldn't find anything.
Then out of the blue, the Alabama concert
popped up, and on our actual anniversary day.
Fate I tell ya!

We absolutely loved the concert,
and felt that they sounded as good as they
did back in the early 90's.
It was so fun and very entertaining.
The next day we took our time heading home,
and decided to picnic on the S. Yuba River.
We found this great little spot with a baby
waterfall, and a little flat spot to throw our
blanket and basket down.
Todd went swimming and said it was refreshing,
which in Todd speak means extremely cold.
I decided to take pictures and watch.
I don't know if you can see Todd's face,
but that is his "Oh man it's cold" face.
After he had had enough swimming we just
sat around and relaxed for about 2 hours before
we decided it was time to go home.

It was a perfect weekend.
All the little pieces just fell into place,
and we had such a wonderful time.
I guess that's why we've been married so long,
because we actually love each other and
enjoy one another's company.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a perfect weekend!! I was pleasantly surprised to have Facebook show me a "memory picture" of what else but a photo of you, Todd, Dennis and me, Eldon, Dale and Lynn. I was wearing my favorite blue dress!! None of us had changed a bit--HA HA I would like to go to an Alabama concert. They are fantastic! AA