Sunday, May 3, 2015

Trip to Truckee

Try saying that 10 times fast!
Since Todd and I had so much fun going to Cabela's,
we decided to take a little day trip to Truckee
the following weekend.
Plus I was craving The Village Pizzeria's food.
I had been through the town several times before,
but I had never really stopped in the historic part of town.
We spent the day the entire day
visiting little shops and eating.

It was a perfect sunny day to explore the town.

It had special little touches all throughout.

I can't remember the names of the shops we visited,
but when we ran across these little figurines,
I laughed out loud.
I told Todd that they fashioned these ladies after me.
I kind of look like this in a swimming suit.

Todd was such a good sport.
He waited patiently while I ooohed and ahhhed
at everything in the stores.
I had two favorite stores.
The first was a cooking supply store.
I didn't get much in the way of pictures,
but I did manage to get a couple of their
beautiful displays.
My little phone camera doesn't do them justice.
The presentation was stunning.

The other store I liked had several
imported items that were artistically arranged.
It was very pleasing to the eye.

After we were shopped out,
we made a quick stop at the local candy shop
to pick up...
you guessed it,
some fudge.
What is it with me and fudge?

And of course we couldn't leave Truckee
without stopping at the pizzeria.
Check out the size of the glass of Diet Coke.

And finally,
the piece de resistance,
my pizza!
It's just heavenly.
It's the pizza I always get when we travel
through Truckee coming home from Tahoe.
I seriously have dreams about this pizza -
it's that amazing.
I had such a great time hanging out with Todd,
and spending some quality time with him.
Life has been busy,
and it was a great way to
 unwind and enjoy each other.


Anonymous said...

That did look like a fun outing! What were the bathing suit figurines for? I am guessing a conversation starter?? I saw a t-shirt a lady was wearing that said, "shopping is my cardio workout". That is my idea of the perfect exercise program. The pizza crust looked good!! AA

Brenda said...

The little figurines were just for amusement, or as you stated, a conversation starter. I like the idea of shopping as cardio. Maybe I'll have to try that and see how it works ;)