Sunday, April 19, 2015


 Back in December, Todd received a
gift card to Cabela's for Christmas.
A few weekends ago we didn't have anything planned,
and the card was burning a hole in Todd's pocket,
so we decided to make the hour trip to go shopping.
I had never been to a Cabela's before,
and everyone kept telling me I needed to go,
so I was really excited to see what all the hype was about.
We ended up going to the Cabela's near Reno, NV.
I have to say, first impressions...
this place is massive!
I knew right away that I would like the store
because it had a really cool sculpture at its entrance.
Yes, that is how I judge stores.
I do judge a book by its cover!
Once I entered the store, I was immediately overwhelmed.
I had no idea where to start.
Should I look at housewares, clothes, guns, camping gear...?
So I looked at the animals first.
It was like visiting a zoo, but the animals were really still.

We ended up shopping for about 4 hours
until Todd and I were both so exhausted
we couldn't take it anymore.

We fueled up in their little café.
And what did Todd end up buying you ask?
What did I get?
What else is a girl supposed to get when she
goes to a sporting goods store...
And it was awesome.

Have you ever visited Cabela's?
What was your favorite department?

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