Friday, October 31, 2014

Party Like a Rock Star

Todd and I went to our first Halloween party,
I think ever.
We are not big party people,
but when my friend Kim invited us,
we couldn't say no.
We got to her house around 7:30 PM
and thought that we would probably be heading
home around 10 or 10:30 PM.
Ya, that didn't happen.
I'll let the pictures do the talking.
Just an FYI for you, the theme of the party
was "something from a song."

Alcohol may or may not have been involved.
We came in 2nd place for the costume contest.
Can you figure out what we were?
If not, here's the song we based our "costume" off of.
Alcohol was definitely involved here.
We were doing black cat impressions.
Btw, this is Lisa, my coworker.
She was Material Girl.

This is Kim, the hostess, and Lori my boss.
Kim was a bill, and Lori was a devil in a blue dress.

Here's a better pic of Kim.
Her costume was AWESOME!
There were also a couple pictures of
some of the cuter costumes I just
have to share with you.
Kim's sister and brother-in-law were
Pop Goes the Weasel

I believe this couple is
The Sound of Music.
There were about 30ish people total
at the get together.
It was super fun to see all the different costumes.
I, of course, didn't get pictures of any of them
because I was too busy being entertained
by all my drunk coworkers on the patio.
It was a great time, and I really enjoyed myself.
I just hope that Kim remains my coworker
so she has to invite us again next year!
Before I forget,
Be safe and have fun.

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