Friday, September 19, 2014

Celebrating the big 25 - Sort Of!

Our fantastic anniversary weekend 
that we had planned -
ya well, it didn't really happen.

Poor Todd got a flu bug and was
really sick Friday.  So sick he came home from work.
He did feel a little better on Saturday,
so we stuck with our plan to at least go out to eat.

We ended up going to Rudy's Hideaway.
We had driven past it several times, and always
said that we wanted to try it out, but never had.
So we made reservations and ended up
 getting there around 5:30 PM.

From the outside it doesn't look like much,
but the inside was pretty nice.
I wouldn't say it was super romantic,
but it was clean and had some really cool artwork.

The food - fantastic.
I ordered a strawberry daiquiri, and Alaskan king crab legs.

I had never ordered Alaskan king crab,
and man, it is lots of crab.

Here's a picture for perspective.
I had 4 or 5 legs, and I had to share 1 1/2 of them with Todd.
Btw, did you notice my bib is falling off?
What a dork!

You can see a little bit of the artwork in this picture.

Todd ordered the Fisherman's Platter.
He enjoyed his dinner and said it was delicious,
but I know he was jealous of my long Alaskan legs.

So, as if dinner weren't filling enough,
we had to go overboard and order dessert - 
chocolate mousse!
Thank goodness we only ordered one
because we couldn't finish the "one"
dessert between the two of us.

Best $5.00 ever spent!

We thought about possibly catching a movie
after dinner, or doing something else,
but Todd still wasn't 100%, 
so we just went back home and relaxed 
the rest of the evening.

Was it an action packed anniversary date?
But it was very much us.
Besides, like I eluded to earlier,
we have other plans,
but they won't happen until summer,
so you'll have to wait until then to find out what they are.
(Hint:  a clue is in this post!)
Happy guessing ;)

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