Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Valentine's Day Details

First off, I want to say technology and me...
we're having words!
I have tried for the past two days to get a post up.
I won't get into details, but let's just say
it's been a pain in my YAHOO!
So now on to more important stuff, Valentine's Day.
Momma got spoiled, really spoiled.
I don't necessarily agree that men should go in to
debt buying their significant other gifts.  I'm of the
mind set that you should show your love throughout
the year, not just on one day.
Todd, however, spoils always.
Valentine's Day was no exception.
The day started with Todd giving me kisses,
followed by Shari's Berries at work
(which were supposed to be accompanied
by flowers that never arrived), and then
a five course dinner.
Enough talk now,
let's get to the pics.

A few Shari's Berries.
Somebody might have eaten a couple.

They had white chocolate drizzled with chocolate,
milk chocolate covered in nuts, and dark chocolate
covered with chocolate chips.
They were all scrumptious!
After we got home from work we headed to dinner.

The happy couple, Us!

Crab cakes

Salad, soup and crab fettuccine.

We were so full we had to take our chocolate cake
and cheesecake home.
I had two glasses of champagne to top off the night,
and happily crawled in to bed, snuggled with my hubby
and went promptly to sleep.
What can I say?
I'm a cheap drunk.
So what did you do for Valentine's Day?

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