Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Couch, a Birthday, and a Brewery

Todd and I made the drive to see the kids this last weekend.
It was Austin's birthday, and we wanted to be there to 
celebrate the day with him.

Knowing that we were coming up to visit, 
the kids asked that we bring a sleeper couch that 
someone had donated to them, and Austin's car.
The car made it to their place no problem,
and the couch made it their, no problem as well.
The problem occurred when the kids tried to bring
the couch to the apartment.

It was a team effort lugging the monster up a flight of stairs.
And it may look easy enough, but that sucker is HEAVY!

The couch made it up the flight of stairs no problem,
but when they tried to bring it inside...

Whomp, whomp!
It didn't fit.
Todd told them to hang on a minute, and he then
removed the door
(Keep in mind that the kids are balancing the couch on the 
outside railing this entire time).
Anyways, door came off-
still too big.
One side of the door jam came off-
still too big.
Other side comes off-
still doesn't fit.
So what do we resort to?
Brut force.
We actually pulled and the kids pushed,
and we finally got the dumb thing inside.

Here are two happy campers after all the physical labor.

So we relaxed and recuperated for a bit,
and then headed off to 
Sierra Nevada Brewery
to celebrate Aust's birthday.

Birthday boy!

I had called ahead to make reservations,
but they don't accept them on the weekend.
The waitress said that it shouldn't be a problem
on the weekend, and just to give ourselves about
half an hour wait time.

So we arrived at Sierra Nevada at 5:30 PM.

Where we were told it was an hour wait.
No problem, we would just take the self tour of the brewery.
We did, came back and...
"Sorry, it's going to be another 1/2 hour"

Kay, so we took some selfies.

And when we asked the waitress how much longer,
at least 15 more minutes!

Todd waiting patiently, me...not so much.

We were finally seated about 2 hours after we arrived.
I can say that the food was good,
but I can't say it was 2 hour wait good.

Because it took 3 hours for dinner, we didn't even
get back to the kids apartment until around 9 PM.
Austin wasn't feeling well (flu?),
so we had some cake and then we all went to bed.

The handsome birthday boy!

And so ended our exciting day.
My day ended with me a little more 
irritated than it had started, but whatever.

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