Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day 2 - The Ridge

Because it was our mini-cation, Todd and I slept in a bit.
My cold disappeared and I felt fantastic,
so we grabbed a bite to eat for breakfast
and then decided to take a look around the resort.

This is the view as you approach the resort.

As you climb the hill towards the resort,
you can see several buildings
(the one on the rightish side was ours).

Outside our room the had an enclosed spa,

a sauna,

a BBQ area,
a little wedding area that has a spectacular view of the valley,

and then up the hill from us were the tennis courts.
We also took some pictures of the inside of the main lobby.

The Ridge was decorated beautifully.

As you walked through the main doors,
there was a water feature along with some plants.
I didn't get a good picture, but you get the idea.
After we got bored with looking around
(and we didn't even visit all the places they had to offer),
we decided to go on a hike.
The Ridge buts up right next to the Tahoe Rim Trail.
The Tahoe Rim Trail is 150 miles long -
so ya, we didn't do all of it.
I think we hiked about 5 miles,
Todd says more like 3,
felt like 15.
It was a moderate hike
(some might even say easy)
 with a rocky little path in places,
and some uphill to contend with.

There was still some snow on the ground in places.
This made for a nice cool hike.
I have to say that I didn't complain of getting overheated once.
It was actually a perfect day.

Todd and I made a little hiker friend
and he took our picture together.
So for once, we don't have a selfie photo.
Yeah for making friends.

The views were spectacular,
and the landscape was just beautiful.
We couldn't have asked for a better time of year
to do this hike because Fall colors were everywhere.
The hike took about 2-3 hours
(ya we're slow)
and we arrived to our room exhausted and dirty.

However, we didn't let that slow us down.
We cleaned up and then headed out again.

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