Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Alexxa's A Weirdo

Just found a couple pictures I want to share.

Alexxa making friends with a tomato/potato bug? EEEKssss

Alexxa pretending to eat said bug. I wouldn't let that thing near my mouth!

Speaking of pictures...my blog will be a little light on the pictures because I am having my camera serviced. It will be about 4-6 weeks.

Also, when I took my camera in to have it serviced, I found out that they also teach digital photography, so Todd and I are signed up for 1-on-1 classes. This is our anniversary gift to ourselves. I'm superty duper excited, especially since I have my man taking the class with me. Yay!


Todd said...

Can't wait to get your camera back and take the class with you. I know it will be great!

Brenda said...

Just got the call today, it's in. Let's do this thing! I can't wait.