Sunday, July 3, 2011

I'm A Green Thumb and Didn't Even Know It

As those of you know who read my blog, I try to be a gardener. Laziness usually get the best of me, and then things end up looking like this

While this isn't our garden, it sure could be.

Well, for once laziness actually worked in my favor. I was cleaning the kitchen because we are preparing for our new fridge to be delivered (I'm soooo excited -SQUEE), and I figured it would be nice if there was a nice clean flat surface somewhere in our house. I picked up a bag, that I didn't even realize was there on the counter (do you see where this is going?) and low and behold, I had a plant growing. I did it! I made something grow!!!! Truthfully it's a sweet potato or a yam, I don't eat either as I think both taste like dirt, so I'm not exactly sure what it is. I was impressed at how well it was thriving on my counter top, so I think I'm going to go plant it in our garden and see how it does. I'll probably end up killing it then because I'll be giving it too much attention...I will keep you updated on how it goes. Cross your fingers that I don't kill this.

No water, no soil, no sunlight...and it still grows. This is my type of plant!

Look, it even matches our home decor. You couldn't even tell if I put it with the other flowers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I have competition in the green thumb division!! Thanks for the idea as I think the little leaves are really pretty. How long does it need to be on the counter?? Was it near a window or in a shaded place?? Are you keeping your new-found talent secrets to yourself?? AA