Saturday, November 13, 2010

Double A.W.E.S.O.M.E

It's getting to be that time of year where everything seems to speed up and go into double time. No, I haven't been great about posting lately, but it's not that I don't think about it. I really have meant to, BUT it seems for the past couple weeks that something has been more important - not to mention some technical difficulties with my computer.

My power cord pooped out on me. It still works, kinda, but I have to twist it into a little not and hold it with my right hand while I hunt and peck with my left hand. My left hand isn't used to so much work and it cramps up after I type for about 5 minutes. So, when I let go of the power cord with my right hand to give my left hand a power shuts off on my computer - AWESOME!

There is also stuff to do around the house. I wake up, get ready for work, go to work, come home and cook dinner, pick up a little, and then do stuff like clean up after the puppy. Some puppy - who will go unnamed - crawled up on top of the dinner table the other night and ate cranberries that then gave her a tummy ache which she decided she needed to take care of in the living room, the kitchen, the hallway and then about 6 inches UP on our bedroom door - double AWESOME! I do have to say, I didn't have to clean up that one, Todd just so happened to take that day off from work, so I dodged that bullet! :)

On the good news front, Todd is working on tiling the kitchen. Remember months back when I showed a picture of all our old tile popped up and the white underlayment stuffy? Well, we've been walking around on that since that picture was taken. I am loving the way it is looking so I guess it was worth the wait. I follow up with pictures as soon as Todd finishes laying all the tile.

Beyond the above, everything is great. Kids are well, Todd is well, and I'm well. What more could we ask for?

Things I'm thankful for today:
Todd's baby computer - I don't have to hold the powercord.
Puppies not eating cranberries.
Everyone doing great!

1 comment:

Todd said...

What is a not on your power chord? I don't now what that could be...