Sunday, March 14, 2010

Great Deal

Okay, can I be a Braggy McBragerton for a minute? As part of our shopping ritual, Lexx and I like to shop at our local Salvation Army. Don't ask, there is just something about finding a great deal that intoxicates both of us...kind of like a high...but better. This week we struck gold. As we walked into the establishment, I was drawn like a moth to the light towards a leather couch. I thought to myself, "Oh, it's going to be ripped and dirty, not much to look at." As I got closer I found that it did have a couple little imperfections, but that the imperfections kind of gave it character. I sat there contemplating, should or should I not get it? I looked at the price tag...$260. While not bad for a leather couch, it was more than I wanted to spend. Again, I thought, should or should I not? Lexxa began goading me in the background, "It's really nice. Daddy will like it. You should get it." I made a decision. We rushed up to the counter and I screamed "I'll take the leather couch." The cashier said, "Fine, do you have the tag." I replied, "What tag?" "Oh, you always have to have the tag because somebody could grab it while you are up here trying to buy it, and then I couldn't sell it to you." Okay, so I'm not well versed in thrift store etiquette. So the cashier rushed back with Lexxy and I in tow. As we approach my spectacular new couch, there are people looking at it...about ready to buy it. The cashier quickly grabs the tag and we are now the proud owners of a new used leather couch. The best part about the story...all furniture was 1/2 off. Yep, I bought it for $130.

Things I'm thankful for today:

My mom...she came to my rescue with her truck when the couch didn't fit in my car and picked it up! Yay for trucks and moms.
A great deal.
Daughters that have no trouble spending your money.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Score! Nice find. :)