Sunday, February 7, 2010

No I didn't fall off the face of the earth....

but I have been super busy. With the new year came a new sport for Alexxa. We have been watching her play in the evenings after work for about the past two months. It is really quite entertaining. I think she happens to be on the shortest basketball team ever. The tallest girl on Lexxi's team is 5'7". Her coach has had Lexx doing jump balls, and Lexx is a whopping 5'6" on a good day. My favorite game so far was Golden Sierra vs. Lindhurst. Lindhurst has a girl on their team that is 6'5", and guess who had the honor of guarding that girl...YEP...Lexx. It made me giggle everytime Lexx tried to defend her because she came up to the girls armpit. Lexx looked like a little gnat buzzing around bugging a larger animal. They lost the game, but only by 1 point. Not bad. I think it is safe to say, however, that her team will not be going to the playoffs. No biggie, at least they are getting exercise and having fun.

The new year brought a new semester for both Austin and Alexxa. Alexxa's stayed the same, but Austin's changed. He is keeping quite busy between work and school. Aust now works at the Deli and pizza parlor and is taking 3 college courses. Keep up the good work Aust!

Todd and I keep plugging along. He has been working on the property while I am inside cleaning. I caught a glimpse of him working outside...what an awesome man! I am sooo lucky.

I thought I would start a new tradition with every post this year. I will be listing things that I am thankful for on that particular day.

1. TV series on dvd...currently watching Fringe
2. Vacuum cleaners to clean up garbage that Thor drug out...that was Awesome.
3. Doors to I'm not tempted to threaten my children.
4. My wonderful children.
5. My hard working wonderful husband ;)

Hugs & kisses,

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