Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Las Vegas Trip

Todd, Alexxa and I headed out to Las Vegas on Friday (poor Austin couldn't come because he had to work). It was a loooooonnnnnngggg drive. Tehachapi Pass was closed due to poor weather conditions, so we ended going up the Grapevine and over on 58. We made it to Las Vegas Saturday morning about 10:40 AM, and Alexxa played her first soccer game at 12:40 PM. No problem...we had two hours to spare. Alexxa's team ended up 1-1-2, a little disappointing, but the team had fun playing against Canada, Utah, Minnesota and Nebraska. Because we didn't make it to the finals, we were able to head back home Monday morning around 9:00 AM. So, around 11:30 AM, while still on the road, we get a call from Todd's mom telling us that there is a bad storm rolling in, and they may close down the passes....Oh geez! That can't happen because I have work the next morning, Todd has work and school, and Alexxa has school and soccer practice. So instead of stopping at IHOP to satisfy my pancake craving, we blasted through Barstow trying to beat the storm. 58 was closed this time, but Tehachapi happened to be open (the exact opposite of when we were driving there). We ended up making it home by 8:00 PM with no problems, and for those of you wondering, yes we did stop at IHOP....near Fresno....around 3:30 PM.

P.S. The pictures I posted are of Alexxa's team, Alexxa doing what she does best...bossing people around, and Lexx doing a header (with a bad back and neck-genius).

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