Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Fair Enough

I hadn't been to the California State Fair in years,
so I decided to ask the family if they wanted
to go and check it out, and they all said yes.
Much to my surprise, I was the only one who
had been to the state fair.
Truth be told, I pretty much hated it
last time I attended.

When I attended back in the 80's
(yes I said 80's),
it was getting toward evening and a 
fight broke out right in front of me.
As if the fight weren't bad enough,
a knife was pulled.
I was never in danger,
but the fair lost all its appeal to me at that point.

Since close to 30 years had passed,
I figured I would give it another chance.
The family was on board,
so we headed out on a Saturday the 23rd around noon.
We went on the second to last day before the fair ended.
Because I'm lame and didn't realize it ended on the 24th.
It was already the 20th when I thought about the fair.
I believe it reached 103 on the day we went,
so it made it unpleasant to be walking
on the scorching black top.
Poor planning, again, on my part...
it had been much cooler the week before.

We spent the majority of our time visiting the exhibits
because, first of all, they're cool, and second
it was air conditioned in the buildings.

We spent about 4 hours at the fair,
and I took several pictures, but here
is a sampling of some of my favorite stuff.

^It's a flying car!
We had a good time looking at all the exhibits,
but by 4-5 PM, our feet were tired,
and we were drained from the heat.
We were done with crowds and decided 
it was time to head leave...
But not before buying a poop emoji hat.

It was a fun time, but to be honest,
I prefer our local county fair more.
It's less crowded, and happens earlier
in the year before it gets so stinking hot.

Believe it or not,
this was not the end of our day.
We still had one last stop before heading home.
Our surprise stop was super fun,
and I can't wait to share with you,
but not today!


Anonymous said...

I used to enjoy going to the State Fair, but it got to be repetitive. There was a good bar-b-que place there. I am hoping I don't have to wait too long for the "rest of the story". Good pictures as always!! AA

Brenda said...

I definitely like the county fairs more, mostly because I'm lazy and I don't have to drive as far. Plus, they're pretty much the same thing different venue.