Wednesday, August 31, 2016

This Little Piggy Went to Market

The daughter and I had a "girls day out" last weekend.
Lexx had a hair appointment, so we decided 
we would make the most of going into town.

Of course we had to start our day off with some
nourishment, so we started our morning off at Starbucks.
We needed to fuel up for our busy morning,
so we both got a breakfast sandwich and a coffee.
Two minutes later....
we headed to the 

We arrived fairly early, around 8:45 AM because
a) it was going to be a warm day,
b) Lexx had a hair appt. later.
We parked at the Auburn Courthouse
and walked to the market.
I had never been to a farmer's market,
so I was impressed with all the different
choices of foods that were provided.
There were fruits, veggies, meats, breads, baskets,
flowers, music, cookies, and various premade foods.
There were probably 30-40 vendors,
so it was not an incredibly large market,
but it was large enough for me to spend $20 
on fruits and veggies in the first 5 minutes.
If you will notice my bag that I'm carrying in
the picture above, I had that completely filled
by the time Lexx and I left.
We had perfect timing, because by the
time we were ready to leave the market
it was time for Lexxa's appointment.
She ended up cutting about 10 inches off of 
her hair, and you can't even tell. 
When everying was said and done,
we were finished by 12:30 PM and home by 1 PM.

Lexx and I always have a good time together,
but we especially have a good time when
food is involved in any way.
Now we can't wait to go back to the market! 

Monday, August 15, 2016

A Perfectly Simple Weekend

The hubs and I managed to get away for
a couple of days two weekends ago.
It was magnificent!
We made no plans, just hopped in the car
and drove to North Lake Tahoe.

We didn't get there until around 3:30 PM,
so it was a little late in the day.
We didn't let that deter us though.
We headed straight for Sand Harbor.
It took us a bit to inflate the kayak,
so when it was said and done, we actually
got the boat in the water by 4 PM.

The beach was busy, but we didn't really
care because we just needed the boat ramp,
and then we were paddling our little hearts out.

We stopped in a little alcove to take some
pictures and catch our breath
I love the panoramic views.
I can't figure out how to use the feature on my
phone, so Todd was assigned that job.

After a couple of hours exploring Tahoe's coastline
we decided to call it a day.
We were getting hungry and wanted
to get some dinner
We made a quick stop at our hotel,
and then went to dinner at Jason's Beachside Grill.
We had a wonderful dinner,
and afterwards we headed back to the hotel
and watched lots of bad television....
bad as in terrible programming,
not bad as in naughty!
When we woke up the following morning,
we decided to go to Tahoe Biltmore
for their breakfast buffet.

It was one of the best buffets I've ever had.
They had the normal breakfast buffet food,
but they also had ribs, salmon, chicken, etc.
Todd thoroughly enjoy it.

It was a perfect weekend...
except for this
It looked like everybody had the same idea as us.
It took us a little while to get home,
but we didn't mind the traffic...
after all, we had just had a nice relaxing time in Tahoe.

It was a perfectly simple weekend,
but enough to refresh our souls and prepare
us for the craziness of the upcoming work week.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Moroccan- Less Talkin'

Do you see what I did there?
With the title!
What a nerd.
So after we went to the state fair, we decided to go to Moroccan food.
We decided on

I had never tried Moroccan food, so I thought 
it would be interesting.
I had some reservations, mostly because I have a
VERY sensitive stomach, and anything that is
spicy/beef/greasy, I basically cannot eat.
Todd reassured me that I would be fine,
that there would be plenty of options for me to choose from.

From the outside, the restaurant didn't look like much.
It was situated between a Goodwill Xpress and a liquor store
in a little strip mall that was probably built in the 70's.
It is what I would consider, a "hole in the wall", very unassuming.
Upon entering the establishment, you notice
tapestries lining the walls and old world touches.

The host seated us at a table,
and gave us the option to either sit on the floor cushions,
or to take a seat on the bench behind the table.
After we were seated, the host brought over warm
water so that we could wash/rinse our hands.
This is needed, because a majority of the meal
is eaten using just your hands, no utensils.
After some deliberation, we decided on the Sultan's Feast.
 It was a 7 course meal
(I'll do my best to remember every dish,
but I'm not 100% positive I can).
It started with Lentil soup, and was quickly
followed by hummus/pita bread and two dishes I don't remember the names of.
I can tell you the beets were sweet, as well as the carrots.
All were popular with the family.
We finished these dishes quickly, and "Cone Head",
the host quickly brought out the next part of the meal.
Next up was B'stilla Royale.
It was a filo dish with an almond and egg center.
It was placed in the middle of the table for everybody to share.
It was a huge hit, and disappeared
from the table almost instantly.
Once we finished with the filo delishesness,
they brought out the main course(s),
There was honey chicken, chicken kabobs, spicy meatballs,
veggie couscous, and I believe saffron rice with a yogurt type of sauce.
I couldn't eat the meatballs, and I'm not a big fan of veggies,
 so I tried the honey chicken and chicken kabobs along
with a little couscous and saffron rice.
All were tasty, but I especially liked the honey chicken.
It was cooked perfectly and fell off the bones.
And while it is a honey chicken, there was also
something in it to cut the sweet...
I'm thinking maybe lemon but don't quote me on that.
After we finished the main course,
we were given baklava for dessert.
I only managed to get a picture of one of the pieces
because we are savages and didn't wait to eat it
before I got a picture.

As an added bonus,
we got to enjoy a belly dancer for entertainment.
Austin really seemed to enjoy this,
as she was quite flirty with him.
It was a fun and unique experience.
I would recommend it to those who are
a little adventurous and not afraid to try something new.
And like I said above,
the belly dancing was entertaining.

The Moroccan dinner ended our long day,
but we were quite content.
We were tired and our bellies were full!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Fair Enough

I hadn't been to the California State Fair in years,
so I decided to ask the family if they wanted
to go and check it out, and they all said yes.
Much to my surprise, I was the only one who
had been to the state fair.
Truth be told, I pretty much hated it
last time I attended.

When I attended back in the 80's
(yes I said 80's),
it was getting toward evening and a 
fight broke out right in front of me.
As if the fight weren't bad enough,
a knife was pulled.
I was never in danger,
but the fair lost all its appeal to me at that point.

Since close to 30 years had passed,
I figured I would give it another chance.
The family was on board,
so we headed out on a Saturday the 23rd around noon.
We went on the second to last day before the fair ended.
Because I'm lame and didn't realize it ended on the 24th.
It was already the 20th when I thought about the fair.
I believe it reached 103 on the day we went,
so it made it unpleasant to be walking
on the scorching black top.
Poor planning, again, on my part...
it had been much cooler the week before.

We spent the majority of our time visiting the exhibits
because, first of all, they're cool, and second
it was air conditioned in the buildings.

We spent about 4 hours at the fair,
and I took several pictures, but here
is a sampling of some of my favorite stuff.

^It's a flying car!
We had a good time looking at all the exhibits,
but by 4-5 PM, our feet were tired,
and we were drained from the heat.
We were done with crowds and decided 
it was time to head leave...
But not before buying a poop emoji hat.

It was a fun time, but to be honest,
I prefer our local county fair more.
It's less crowded, and happens earlier
in the year before it gets so stinking hot.

Believe it or not,
this was not the end of our day.
We still had one last stop before heading home.
Our surprise stop was super fun,
and I can't wait to share with you,
but not today!