Thursday, January 7, 2016

Winter Wonderland

Boy did we have a fantastic time at my
 parent's house in Oregon this year.
It was a white day after Christmas!
We packed our bags, rented a mini van,
and drove the 7 hours to my parents on the 26th.
We arrived around 9 PM...
a little later than we had originally anticipated.
A few extra bathroom stops and a snow storm
slowed us down a bit, but it didn't dampen our spirits.
It was hard to tell exactly what the weather
conditions were because it was pitch black out.
We could see there was snow, and we knew it
was pretty cold out, but we just grabbed
our bags out of the van and headed inside
where my mom had dinner made, and
the house nice and warm.
After a little bit of visiting,
Todd, Austin, Lexx, Uncle Lynn and I
headed off to bed.
When we woke up the next morning,
we were shocked to see
there was about 3 feet of snow
(maybe even more).
My dad had purchased two snowmobiles last
year, and of course, it decided not to snow in 2014.
So everyone was excited to break them in this year.
While my dad got the snowmobiles ready,
with a little help from Shaz,
 the rest of us got ready to go play in the snow.

Lynn wanted to take pictures in front of the snowmobiles,
so most of us obliged.
We ended up only being able to start one of the snowmobiles,
but that wasn't a problem because
 we just used my parents quad  instead of the second snowmobile.  
Because we only had two vehicles and seven people
some of us opted to go for a walk in the snow.
Lynn wanted to see the lake by my parents house
so I went on a walk with him.
My mom decided to join us shortly after,
and we had an awesome little walk.
The weather was overcast, but the sun was shining.
It made for some beautiful pictures. 
The lake looked like a snow covered meadow.
Hard to believe there is water underneath there.
We spent the day riding around
and playing in the snow.
We played until it started to get dark
and really cold, and then spent the rest of
the evening watching TV and eating.
Monday there was a big storm,
and most of the guys ended up going to
Klammath Falls to get chains for the
mini van.  It snowed so much
that the van was basically stuck in a hole. 
So what do you do when it's stormy out
and half of your crew goes to run errands?
Take pics (selfies)!
It ended up clearing up and being a beautiful evening,
but not until close to 4 PM.
We eventually ended up getting the van
out of the hole and on to flat ground.
This was a must, as we were leaving the next morning,
and if we couldn't move it...
we couldn't leave.
I couldn't believe that all five of us ended up
getting ready and out the door by 8 AM,
which was the time we were aiming for!
That never happens with us!!!

Why did we leave so early?
Because there was a storm that was supposed to roll
in later that evening, and we wanted to be
long gone by the time that happened.
Everything was blanketed in white and
so peaceful and beautiful.
I really didn't want to leave,
but we had to get home because people
had plans, and I had only rented our car until Weds.

We ended up getting home around 4 or 5 PM,
so the entire day was spent driving.
 I slept through most of the ride home,
 but I did happen to wake up in Weed, CA.
It was perfect timing because
Mt. Shasta looked beautiful.
It was such a nice relaxing little vacation,
and I really enjoyed seeing everyone
laughing, playing and having a good time.
It was a perfect way to end 2015!

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