Saturday, September 26, 2015

Alaskan Cruise - The Ship

Before I finished blogging about our cruise,
I thought I would show you some pictures of the ship.
I thought I would include this picture so you
could get some perspective on the size of the
Todd and I decided to book an inside room.
We talked to the travel agent, and I told her
that I get motion sick/sea sick/just sick in general.
She suggested an inside cabin located in the middle of the ship.
Save money, and not get sick...
we were all for it.
I have to say, this option may not be for everyone.
If you like spacious rooms with a view,
this type of room would not be for you.
I will say that we experienced some pretty choppy seas.
And many people stayed in there room, and when they
emerged they were green and looked like death.
Todd and I felt some rocking, but for as big as
some of the swells got, we weren't really affected.
Good choice US!
There were plenty of places to relax, like The Sanctuary.
You could watch outside movies, swim, soak up the sun,
drink and/or eat, and dance. 
Some of the pools were pretty magnificent and had sculptures.

This pool had something like a moat around it.
Is that a thing around pools, or is that just around castles? caught all the water that escaped the actual pool
and recirculated it back so there was no wasting water.
There was a pretty cool massive size chess game,
a putting green (I think.),
and a basketball court.
As you can tell, there were plenty of places
throughout the ship you could just sit, relax and have a cocktail. 
The pool at the back of the ship actually had
a bar right in front of it.
There was a theater where they put on shows, concerts,
classes, cooking demonstrations, etc..
This is one of many bars throughout the ship.
We actually went to a presentation
that was being held there.
The middle of the ship was magnificent,
and beautifully decorated.
Pictures don't really do it justice,
but trust me, it was pretty amazing.
In this central area there were two bars,
a coffee shop, a gallery, a library, three restaurants,
some stores you could shop in, and I'm sure
several other things that I'm forgetting. 
This is one of the restaurants where we ate
 our dinner on formal night.
It was nicely decorated, and very rich feeling.
At the back of the ship there is a nightclub,
and they have a moving walkway to transport you
to the actual club...AWESOME!
Can you guess the theme of the club?
It was outer spacey...kind of like Star Wars.
And, the dance floor was pretty cool.
We didn't actually go to the club
because it didn't even open until like
10 or 11 PM, and Todd and I are like old people.
We are middle aged adults trapped in the body of 85 year olds.
Well folks, that's it for the cruise pictures.
Hopefully it was informative,
and if you were debating on taking a cruise,
I hope it was helpful.
Now that this is done,
on to real life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I felt like I was on the cruise and since I have no plans to go to Alaska ever, I can picture just what I will be missing-lol. I really loved all the pics and narrative. AA