Sunday, July 26, 2015

4th of July Fun!

I have kind of been MIA on the blog.
It's been a busy summer,
and I kind of put the blog on the back burner.
I'm back now so let's get this party started.
So what did you do for 4th of July you ask?
Well...we went to Union Valley Reservoir.
It was an overcast day, and the first 4th I can
think of that I wasn't dying from heat exhaustion.
We arrived in the afternoon,
Todd's brother, wife and their friends had camped
there for the week, and we just decided to
 visit them for the afternoon.
 There was plenty of food and drink
(as you can tell).
There was great company -
can you believe that little guy is 14 years old!
We sat around the fire, ate, drank and talked.
Around 9 PM we decided to call it a night
 and headed back home.
I know, big party animals.
We didn't watch any fireworks,
or stay out all night,
but we had a fun day with friends and family.
I can't wait to do it again next year.






Anonymous said...

I left a comment last night, did the robot thing, the anonymous thing, the publish comment thing and NO COMMENT!!! What happened??? Anyway, so glad to have you back on the blogger. The pics are so good and there was definitely plenty of food. AA

Brenda said...

Hmmm, I wonder why it was being that way? Sometimes BlogSpot is dumb. I have issues posting sometimes. Hopefully it will be easier for you next time, and not so frustrating.