Friday, November 14, 2014

Interior Decorating

A couple of weeks ago Todd and I went
over to his Uncle Lynn's house to help
him decorate his fireplace.
Lynn had just had hip surgery and was
unable to climb a ladder in order to
mount the decorations to the wall.
Todd volunteered to help, so we took
a couple hours out of our weekend to
get Lynn's house beautified!
I love the way it turned out,
and had to share a couple of pictures.

Lynn was up and about using his walker.
I couldn't believe how well he was
 doing after his hip surgery!

Todd climbed the ladder and did the manual labor
while Lynn stood back and supervised.

Here is the final outcome.
Lynn and I bantered back and forth
on how the snow shoes should be placed
(He liked them closer to the antlers,
I liked them further out.)
He of course won because,
well, it's his house and he can do
whatever he wants!

And a little closer look at the final product.
His house is coming along beautifully.
I can't wait to see all the other
cool projects Lynn has in store in the near future.
So, what do you think?
Did Lynn make the right call?
Does it matter, cause he won't change it anyway!

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