Saturday, July 30, 2011


Since Todd had a new job, we were unable to go on vacation this summer. Don't feel too sorry for us because we are taking some time in November to get some much needed R & R. Because Todd couldn't go on vacation, and I was forced by my work to take some time off, I headed up to my parent's house in Oregon. Austin and Alexxa also could not go because they also had to work. I did, however, have a traveling companion. Any guesses who that might be? was my 87 year old grandma Maurine.

Grandma - vogue.

It was a long ride for her because she has tendinitis throughout her body, but she was a trooper, and we made it up to my parent's house after a 7 hour drive (split in between two days). We rolled in to Bly right at supper about perfect timing! We ate, then visited, then relaxed, and finally, slept.

My mom hard at work making food for everyone.

I turned Riley and myself into COOL!


What a bunch of goofballs!

The next day my dad wanted to take some of us to some lakes that he had discovered. So off went seven of us. The lakes were a little small, but very picturesque. The one that we actually stopped and played in looked like an infinite edge pool.

Oooohhh, pretty.

Ava and her mom.

Jarod-this is his normal smile.

Riley being gansta.

We then found a beautiful lodge out in the middle of nowhere. We decided to eat lunch there and take in the view.

The cool lodge in the middle of nowhere.

Papa, Riley and Jarod out on the lodge deck.

Perfect family portrait.

A view off the back porch.

After visiting the lakes and lodge we went home and crashed. It was a fun day, but a long day. So instead of going out and doing something the next day, we decided to stay home and hang out around the house and chillax.

Peace out on Relaxation Station, or as I like to call it, Party Island.

Riley playing in the lake.

Jarod fishing.

Goofing around.

Enjoying the day.

Dad to the rescue with drinks, snacks and a fishing pole.

A little friend catching a ride on my grandma.

We had an awesome time, and my parents did a great job balancing keeping all of us busy but also allowing time for everyone to unwind. Thanks mom and dad for allowing us to invade your space for a mini-vacation.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Man, He's An Old Man

Yep, the old man turned 42! You read that right, FORTY-TWO. I can't believe time keeps marching on, regardless of what Todd and I think. We did manage to have a great time celebrating, despite his decrepidness (did I make that word up? I'm pretty sure I did).

We actually had two celebrations; one at Dennis' house, and one at Bowman Lake...that's right we ARE party animals. Birthday dinner was delicious, as always, and Todd was spoiled, as always. Anne made her famous spaghetti and a homemade German chocolate cake - YUM!!

Todd's delicious cake.

Someone call the fire department - FAST

We then carried the party on at Bowman where we went kayaking, and again, ate....way too much!

There were waterfalls, caves(unfortunately it was under water), family, friends & food.

It was all pretty fun and amazing.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

4th of July

We spent a nice quiet evening at Dennis' house. Poor Dennis didn't feel well. Originally we had planned to eat dinner at Dennis', and then head into Auburn to watch the fireworks at the fairground. Because Dennis was feeling ill, we decided to watch fireworks from his deck. That didn't quite happen, we could hear them, but we couldn't see. So we took the celebration inside, turned the TV on and watched some awesome fireworks on TV. It didn't quite turn out like we planned, but I still had a great time. Plus side was...we didn't have to fight the crowds.

The gals: Anne, Alexxa, Me.



Dennis, he may have felt bad, but he looked good.

Yummy homemade ice cream and fruit - isn't it cute all red, white and blue!

We got to watch a beautiful sunset.

Monday, July 11, 2011

My Beautiful Fridge

As promised, here is my new fridge -

Cue angel singing music

Isn't she a beaut.

It's looking kind of empty because all of our food spoiled in the other fridge.

This is the freezer part. Notice that there is a little area that lifts up for frozen pizza.

Extra ice in this drawer. Pretty awesome.

I'm really loving it and I'm hoping it serves us well like old faithful. Plus, it shiny!

I originally wanted a four door, but after looking at them and talking it over with Todd, we decided that the extra ice was more important than a snack drawer. If the kids were still little, and we were still making there lunches, we may have opted for the four drawer. Since the kids are grown, and rarely around, we decided on the three drawer (Duh! Obvious statement there).

So ends the tour of my new fridge. I hope you enjoyed the show!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

I'm In Heaven

We got a new fridge, and it is B.E.A.utiful. Our poor old little fridge that has been old faithful for 15 years just finally gave out. It served us well, but it was definitely time for a new one.

In homage to the old faithful...

May he rest in peace.

Some adjustments were necessary. Also had to buzz some of the wood off of the wall.

We also had to cut 1/2" off the counter.

And by "we" I mean Todd.

Oh, no...I guess you'll have to come back again to see actual pictures of the new fridge.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I'm A Green Thumb and Didn't Even Know It

As those of you know who read my blog, I try to be a gardener. Laziness usually get the best of me, and then things end up looking like this

While this isn't our garden, it sure could be.

Well, for once laziness actually worked in my favor. I was cleaning the kitchen because we are preparing for our new fridge to be delivered (I'm soooo excited -SQUEE), and I figured it would be nice if there was a nice clean flat surface somewhere in our house. I picked up a bag, that I didn't even realize was there on the counter (do you see where this is going?) and low and behold, I had a plant growing. I did it! I made something grow!!!! Truthfully it's a sweet potato or a yam, I don't eat either as I think both taste like dirt, so I'm not exactly sure what it is. I was impressed at how well it was thriving on my counter top, so I think I'm going to go plant it in our garden and see how it does. I'll probably end up killing it then because I'll be giving it too much attention...I will keep you updated on how it goes. Cross your fingers that I don't kill this.

No water, no soil, no sunlight...and it still grows. This is my type of plant!

Look, it even matches our home decor. You couldn't even tell if I put it with the other flowers.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Father's Day

As promised, I am posting pictures of the project that I did for my dad. I gave it to him while we were at Sugar Pine. He seemed to like it, and said that he was going to take it to his house in Oregon. Without further ado, drum roll please...and here she is.

I stained the bench a mahogany color on the outside and walnut on the inside board.

A different view of the center support board. It helped to stabilize the bench.

So, what do you think?