Sunday, May 22, 2011

Triple Epic FAIL

I woke up super duper early today, 5:00 AM, because I had a to do list that I wanted to get done. The list: polyurethane my project, pull weeds in flower bed, plant new flowers, pull flowers out of planter, eat breakfast, paint the hallway, straighten up the kitchen and living room, go to my parents for Alexxa's birthday dinner.

I started off with the polyurethane project, but after I finished, I realised that it was too cold outside and it made little fuzzy bunnies all over...first FAIL! Next up was planting my flowers/plants...I'm not strong enough to bust up the rock, so my plants are all sitting about an inch and a half above the ground...second FAIL! Next project I tackled was pulling the dead flowers that I had just planted about a month ago out of the planter, you know, the pretty little raniculas...third FAIL!

I did succeed at eating a yummy breakfast, and the day pretty much improved from there. Thank goodness because I don't think my little ego could have taken any more.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

R.I.P. Patchie

Picture of Patchie on Sunday.

We lost a beloved pet suddenly on Tuesday. Patches was a great pet and a loyal friend. She will be missed.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Pics

So I couldn't wait a couple days to post the pictures from Mother's Day, not because they are spectacularly beautiful or anything, but because I worked on a project...with power tools....and safety googles....and gloves. Yep, your heard me, Todd entrusted me with some of his power tools (granted he was standing right next to me when I used them). I can't tell you what I made because it is a gift for someone who may read the blog, but I can show you pictures of the process - Yay!

Also, I got a shot of breakfast in bed and dinner with Anne, Dennis, Lynn, Todd, Austin and Alexxa.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Mother of A Weekend

Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there. Hope you are having a wonderful day. I had an extra spectacular weekend; dinner out, movie, breakfast in bed, cards/gifts, and most of the family helping me with a project I'm wanting to complete before next month (Austin couldn't be there because he had to work). Yesterday I helped Todd move in to his new office. He was promoted to manager and hasn't had any extra time to transfer his stuff from his old cubby to his new office. We spent five hours cleaning, moving and tossing out garbage. It's been a super de duper fun and busy weekend...can't wait for the next one!



Sunday, May 1, 2011

Super Awesome Weekend

I sure am enjoying this awesome weekend weather. Ran some errands on Saturday, and played on Sunday. Most of the fam went to Hennigsen Park, where Todd, the puppies and I walked a mile, or so, and Alexxa rode her bike and played soccer. There were quite a few people there taking advantage of the great weather. We had a great time. Here, take a look -

It was such a beautiful weekend, I hope next weekend is a repeat.