Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Day Result

I thought I would update you about what I ended up doing for Todd on Valentine's Day...well, not much. I didn't do the project I thought that I might attempt (I may try and do it for Father's Day or his birthday), and I didn't make brownies. I ended up making him dinner and a big huge cookie. Not very romantic, but he was busy working, trying to get some plans finished up, and so dinner and a cookie was it.
He seemed to enjoy it so I guess that is all that matters.

Enchilada casserole
(No picture of the salad and corn because frankly, it's boring).

The monster chocolate chip cookie.

Todd enjoying pazooki.

Lexx really enjoying pazooki.

Things I'm thankful for today:
Being let off work early.
Getting to surf the net without fighting with anybody over the computer.
A 4 (yes 4) day weekend - YIPPEEEEE


Amy said...

Were you guys evacuated? What is up with people in Placerville lately??

Anonymous said...

What is "pazooki"?? Anonymous A

Anonymous said...

Ya, we were evacuated at 3 PM. They had police everywhere. I don't believe we were ever in any danger, but after what happened at Schnell school, they weren't going to take any chances.

Pazooki is a large cookie served with ice cream...nom, nom, nom ;)