Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Yes I've been MIA for about two weeks while I prepared for the holiday festivities. This is one of my favorite times of the year: Decorating the house, trying to find the perfect gift for those you love, spending time with family.

Traditions have changed in our house, as we are now celebrating with four adults instead of two adults and two children. The piles of toys have now been replaced with more adult gifts like electronics, clothes and movies. The 6 o'clock wake up call by the excited children is now non-existent...I actually had to go wake Austin and Alexxa up this Christmas, can you believe it?

I wouldn't say having adult children is better or worse, just different. I have to say that one positive to the kids growing up is that they appreciate being together as a family and are learning to cherish and appreciate those few special moments that we get to spend together.

I hope you and your family had an absolutely spectacular Christmas, and here's wishing you a Happy New Year :) Now go to bed.


Brenda the Christmas Elf.

Cowboy, I think you need a smaller hat size.

Epic Nerf gun war - Get 'em Lynn.

Mass chaos.

Kierra taking in all the craziness.

Watch out, Anne's on the prowl.

Bret bringing in the big guns.

Brie on the attack.

Robb and Alexxa getting in on the action.

Amy, Anne and Dennis hard at work.

Amy enjoying a little glass (cough, cough) of wine ;P

Brie in her human hamster ball. Check out the hairdo :)

Adam taking in the festivities. What's wrong with this picture?

Dennis checking out his awesome Christmas gift.

Those are some good looking kids there.

Thing I'm thankful for today:
Another wonderful Christmas spent with loved ones.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Drive-By Hello

I thought I would check in before everyone decided to stop reading my blog. My computer has totally crapped out on me, so it is really difficult for me to update my blog. I am having to update from Austin's computer which is not always possible because he takes his computer to his friend's houses for game nights constantly.

Christmas is only 13 days away, and I'm happy to report that I am almost done with my shopping. I only have about four more things to purchase and then I am finished!

Also on the happy news front, my sister-in-law, Jay, is selling USANA now. USANA is a company that sells nutritional supplements, foods as well as personal & skin care products. Jay knows that I am constantly fighting intestinal problems, so I am trying some of the products from the USANA line. The products I have just started using are the Probiotics, Fibergy and the Digestive Enzyme. So far, so good. I am hopeful that they will help do away with my symptoms. I will keep you updated (with not too much gross detail:) ). If you are interested in purchasing some USANA products, Jay's email address is .

Finally, as promised, I have some pictures to add. Most of them are from our relaxing and yummy Thanksgiving. One, however, is of our trip home from Reno. I only have one picture because the others didn't load. They wouldn't have been too exciting anyways...just a picture of white nothing. We were basically stuck inside the hotel due to a blizzard / white out conditions. I have to say though, I didn't mind because it made us relax and have to enjoy each others company. Besides, spending time with each other, isn't that what the holiday seasons are all about :)

The cook, my mom, hard at work.

My crew digging in to Thanksgiving dinner.

Everyone enjoying the Thanksgiving feast (minus my mom).

Austin and his Mommers :) I think I might scare him.

Our clean windshield - had to use a water bottle to spray the window as the wiper fluid was frozen and couldn't be used. Fun stuff there!

What I'm thankful for today:
Great days that create awesome memories.