Thursday, June 24, 2010

Father's Day Armada

Todd barbecuing.

Lynn modeling a paddle.

Dennis, I'm not sure what he was doing.

Austin smiling.

Robb relaxing.

Bret observing.

Most of the McComb armada.

It was a fabulous Sunday, and Todd decided he wanted to go kayaking to celebrate Father's Day. Todd invited his dad, uncle and brother's and all the McComb women joined them. Anne invited her friend from work, Yvonne, and her husband Steve. We all chowed down on hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, chips, fruit salad, various delicious cookies and brownies. We had to carb up for the upcoming kayak workout. We arrived at Loon Lake around noon, ate around 2 pm, and then kayaked until about 6 pm. There were several people at the lake, but I didn't see any other boats ON the lake. It was AWESOME! It was like we had our own private lake just for our use. There was a nice little breeze, the temperature was probably in the 70's, and there was some snow still lining part of the banks. It was a perfect picturesque day.

Things I'm thankful for today:
Relaxing after a long day at work

1 comment:

Amy said...

It was a great time -- thanks for the invite! Hopefully we can do it again soon now that we have our own kayak! :) Good times!!