Monday, May 18, 2009

Todd Had an Ouchy

Well this week was busy as usual, but in a different way. Todd had a hernia and he needed to get it taken care I took Thursday off from work and in he went. It was fairly confusing trying to figure out where to go and when, you wouldn't think it was rocket science, but this is Kaiser we are talking about so need I say more? In Todd's preop consultation the doctor said he would have surgery in Roseville and that he would get a phone call during the week to solidify all the details. Wednesday at 4:30 PM we get a call telling us to be in Folsom at 11:20 AM and to hurry and call as they will cancel the surgery. Nice, neither one of us even gets home until the earliest 6 PM. So we call and confirm, no prob.

We get to the surgery center at 11:20 and sit, and sit, and sit, and sit. They finally get Todd in to prep at 12:15 PM. I am starving by this time because I haven't eaten because Todd can't eat and I didn't want to tempt him. So, they tell me to wait and as soon as there done prepping him I can go in and talk to him before surgery. Okay, my blood sugar has dropped and I'm going to kill someone by this time. I give him a kiss and practically run out of the building and grab some KFC (yum yum yum). I go over to DWS, an awesome shoe store with about 1,000 different style shoes...a girl's paradise, then run to Wal Mart and then get gas and come right back. He is out of surgery and waiting for me by 2:15. What the heck? He's wide awake and saying, "That's it? That's it? No way." about one million times (yes he was higher than a kite). So he is dressed and ready to leave by 3:15 PM.

Todd is now in a panic because he wants to go watch Alexxa's high school playoff soccer game. I tell him I don't think that that is such a good idea, but he says, "I wanna go watch my daughter play soccer." So off we go. They lost, but Todd got to see the second half of the game and over-time.

The gang gets home and Todd decides he's hungry so he eats chicken tenders (doctor said no solids for a day or two-nice Todd). He keeps saying there is nothing to this surgery thing and everyones a wimp.

Long story short, Todd's meds start to wear off and he starts to change his mind about surgery being easy. Todd ended up in bed the rest of Thursday, Friday, most of Saturday and all Sunday.

He is recuperating well and actually went to his college class today. I have to give him kudos, the doctor told him he probably shouldn't work for 1-2 weeks. Four days later, he's up and going...that's my honey!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Is he o.k. now? I hope he is. Love all of you.
