Tuesday, March 31, 2009

An Exciting Weekend

This weekend started off the same as most of our weekends do, with soccer of course. Lexx played two games on Saturday and one game on Sunday. Her team did well and will advance to the next level of State Cup which will be in Morgan Hill on April 19th. The Eclipse did especially well when you take into consideration that five of Lexxa's teammates were either injured or sick so we had no subs. Saturday was grueling because the eleven healthy girls played 180 minutes (or 3 hours) of pure soccer with no relief, not to mention it got to 83 degrees that day. That may not seem too warm, but you have to remember that it was snowing about a month ago and the temperature has been around the mid 60's. Sunday was cooler, but the winds were blowing hard. If I had to guess I would say they were probably about 20 mph winds. Anyways, while waiting for Alexxa's Sunday game to start, I find out that my niece Ava is in California with her parents. I have never seen Ava before because she lives out of state, so it was a special surprise when I got to see her cute little face. It was a nice visit, and I wish they lived closer, but beggars can't be choosers and I will take the occasional trip out here. We visited for about six hours and then I had to get Alexxa home to do homework. Ava's family turned around the next afternoon and went home. It was a short trip, but very sweet...thanks to Ava.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's been a while since I've posted, but I really do have a good excuse. I haven't been home on the weekends for the past month basically. Alexxa has had tournament after tournament so my blog has suffered. In the past month we have gone to Las Vegas, Redwood City and Anaheim. Last weekend I left for Anaheim after work on Friday (we actually left El Dorado Hills at 6 PM and rolled in to our hotel at 2 AM). Saturday morning we woke up at 8, Lexx played games at 10 AM and 4 PM, wen't to the team dinner and got back to the hotel at 10 PM. Sunday we woke up at 6 AM, Lexx played at 8 AM and 2 PM, and then we were back on the road by 4 PM. We actually arrived back home at 11:30 PM, and both Lexx and I had to be back up and ready for the week by 6 AM. What a loooooooooong weekend!
Alexxa's team did well and actually won the Anaheim tournament. They did manage to lose 3 girls for the weekend in the process. Geneve rolled her ankle within the first minute of the first game, Alyssa fell and a girl stepped on her arm which we thought was broken, and CJ fell on her collar bone (the same side she had broken earlier in the season). Stephanie did something to her knee during her high school game, and it's looking like she is probably out for the rest of this season, and Amy suffers from ongoing ankle and back problems. Talk about the walking wounded! So the picture above is of Alexxa's team, minus Gabby (Lexx is the girl standing next to the coach, and yes she is taller than him). The picture was taken immediately after they won the playoff game and about half the team needed to hurry and leave to take flights back home. It was an interesting weekend and Lexx and I had a good time, but if we have to do that again...we're going to take a few extra days off and go to Disneyland!